Читать книгу The Black Phalanx - Joseph T. Wilson - Страница 20

CHAPTER X.—The Black Flag.


The Phalanx acquiring a Reputation—No Blacks Paroled—Gen. Grant's Letter to the Confederate General Taylor—Jefferson Davis' Proclamation respecting Negro Soldiers—Mr. Davis' Third Annual Message—Action of the Confederate Congress—Negro Soldiers Captured by the Confederates receive Punishment—Retaliation by the Federal Government—Refusal to Exchange captured Negro Troops—Order from President Lincoln in relation thereto—Report of the Congressional Committee in regard to Barbarities Inflicted upon captured Union Prisoners—Report of the Congressional Committee in regard to the Fort Pillow Massacre—Testimony given—Sketches of Prison Life—Schemes for Escaping from Confederate Prisons—Life in Libby Prison—The Effect of the Fort Pillow Massacre on the Black Soldiers—Their Desire to Retaliate—Correspondence between Gens. Forrest and Washburn—A Confederate Account, written in 1883—A Confederate Account of Price's Cross-Roads—Heavy Fighting—Gallant Conduct of the Federal Cavalry—The Rout of the Federal Force—The Phalanx Saves the White Troops from Capture—Gen. Sturgis Criticised 315

The Black Phalanx

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