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Finance and Career


The money house is empty this year. This tends to the status quo and I see it as a good thing. There is more or less contentment with things as they are and you have no need to pay too much attention here.

But with two lunar eclipses in the year ahead – one on January 21 and the other on July 16 – there will be financial changes, disruptions and course corrections. It is always a good thing to make periodic course corrections and the eclipses provide that opportunity. The changes will be good, but generally not so pleasant while they’re happening.

The lack of power in the money house can indicate lack of attention and focus. Thus, if financial problems arise, they are probably due to this. The solution is to pay more attention to your finances.

Having said all of that, I feel the year ahead will be prosperous. The North Node of the Moon (this is not a planet, but an important abstract point) spends the year in your money house. The North Node denotes excess. So your problem (and it’s a good one to have) could be an excess of money – not a lack.

Saturn and Pluto will spend the year in your 8th house. This shows various things. The spouse, partner or current love seems to be having financial difficulties. He or she has taken on (or it was forced on him or her) extra financial burdens. So there is a feeling of lack there. There is a need to rearrange the finances, to shift things around and reorganize them. And, if this is done, he or she will find that all the resources needed are there. His or her financial situation will improve greatly after December 3, as Jupiter moves into the money house.

If you are involved in estates or insurance issues, they seem very complicated, with many delays involved. Tax issues can be burdensome too. Borrowing and accessing outside capital also seems more complicated this year. There are many delays. It’s probably best not to borrow money – unless it’s an emergency. Accessing outside capital will get much easier after December 3. If you’re looking for outside investors for your projects, this will also be easier after December 3.

The Moon is your financial planet and is the fastest-moving of all the planets. Whereas the other fast-moving planets (the Sun, Mercury and Venus) will move through all the houses in your Horoscope in a year, the Moon does this every month. Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

In general we can say that earning power will be strongest on the new and full moons and when the Moon is waxing (growing in strength).

Career has been important for many years now, and remains so this year. Many of the career trends that we’ve written about in past years are still very much in effect. Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, is your career planet and he occupies your 10th house of career. Thus he is in his own sign and house. He is powerful here and this tends to success, but there are complications.

Neptune in the 10th house signals a need for more idealism in the career path. It favours working for charities, spiritual organizations, or organizations involved in altruistic kinds of activities. In many cases this has already happened, but if not it can still happen. You need to feel that your career is ‘blessed from on high’, that it is ‘divinely ordained’ and is your real mission in life. Just being successful for the sake of being successful – for ego-gratification purposes – will not satisfy you. You need to feel that you are ‘saving the planet’ or ‘saving the world’ – that you are improving conditions for all people.

It also shows that your bosses are like this too. They seem more altruistic and idealistic (or they portray themselves this way).

On a more mundane level, this indicates a lot of hidden things – hidden machinations – going on in the career. There can be some unpleasant revelations here. It would also show a need to do more homework on career matters, for what seems obvious is not the reality.

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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