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Love and Social Life


As we have mentioned, this is the real headline of the year ahead. This is one of the best and happiest love and social life years you’ve had in a very long time – perhaps in the last 12 or so years.

Benevolent Jupiter is established in your 7th house of love until October 10. Combine this with Venus’s three-month sojourn in your sign and you have a signature for romance, marriage or serious relationship. It all seems very happy.

For many years now marriage – committed relationship – hasn’t been advisable. Uranus in your own sign was denying it. Your self will, your passion for personal freedom and independence – though good in itself – was not good for serious long-term relationships. But Uranus is almost finished with you. In a year or two he will be out of your sign. You’re ready for some stability in your life. For those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20 to April 5), Uranus is already finished with you. Marriage, or relationships that are ‘like’ marriage, are advisable. If you were born between April 6 and April 19, it still might be advisable to wait. Enjoy romance for what it is but there’s no need to rush into anything.

Jupiter in your 7th house shows someone of good education and refinement coming into your life. Perhaps he or she is a foreigner. Perhaps you meet him or her in a foreign land. This is a person you can look up to and respect. Jupiter in your 7th house is an aspect for someone who falls in love with the minister or professor. There is an allure for ‘mentor’ type people.

From February 3 to June 6 Venus, your love planet, will either be in, or hovering near, your sign. This shows that love pursues you. There’s nothing special that you need to do to find it – it will find you.

Love and money go hand-in-hand in your chart: Venus is both your love and financial planet. So when one is going well so is the other. When love is happy, so are finances. When finances go well, so does love. Wealth in a partner is certainly an added allure, but refinement, education and philosophical compatibility are just as important – and perhaps even more so this year.

As we have said, you don’t need to do much to find love this year. But educational and religious-type settings are good. People you worship with are playing cupid.

Venus moves through your entire horoscope in a given year. So every month the love venues can change depending on where she is at any given time. These short-term trends are best discussed in the monthly reports.

Those of you working towards a second marriage still need patience. Marriage is not advisable this year. Those working on the third marriage have a very nice opportunity. There is someone of high status interested in you.

Your Personal Horoscope 2017

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