Читать книгу Depraved Indifference - Joseph Teller, Joseph Teller - Страница 6



Once again I find myself deeply indebted to my literary agent Bob Diforio, who claims he’s deluged with other writers but continues to treat me as though I’m his only one, and to my fabulous editor Leslie Wainger and the rest of the gang at MIRA, who do pretty much the same. I would be totally lost without either one of them.

For some reason, I always seem to have great difficulty persuading my wonderful but terribly overcommitted wife, Sandy, to find time to read my latest manuscript. But eventually the sheer force of my nagging prevails. Warning me in advance that she’s going to absolutely hate it, she disappears into the den for the better part of the day. Sometime that evening, she emerges and tracks me down, a broad smile on her face, to pronounce the work my very best yet. That’s the moment when I know it’s okay to send it off.

Depraved Indifference

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