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George W. Patek has for twenty-six years been an active factor in the business development of Milwaukee as a member of the firm of Patek Brothers, manufacturers of paints and jobbers of plate and window glass, their business being conducted at Nos. 232 to 238 East Water street. Mr. Patek is a native son of Milwaukee, his birth having occurred in October. 1867, his parents being Gottlieb and Elizabeth (Hirschberg) Patek, both of whom were natives of Austria. They came to the United States about the year 1850 and settled in Milwaukee, where the father was engaged in the net and twine business for a number of years. He departed this life in 1915, at the advanced age of eighty-four years, having tor several years survived his wife. They were the parents of four children, namely: Mark L., who died October 6, 1920; Mrs. Philip Ettenheim of Milwaukee; George W., of this review; and Dr. A. J. Patek, also of this city.

George W. Patek, spending his youthful days under the parental roof, attended the public schools and also a private school of this city and when his textbooks were put aside he engaged in the carpet business. He has thus long been an active figure in the commercial circles of the city and when he at length severed his connection with these mercantile lines he turned to his present business, becoming associated with his elder brother, Mark L. Patek, in organizing the firm of Patek Brothers in 1895. Their first location was at 319 East Water street, where they started in a small way, but their business grew very rapidly, forcing them soon to seek larger quarters and better facilities. They removed to their present location at No. 232 to 238 East Water street in 1916, where a large building is utilized in the conduct of their business. They have an extensive storage warehouse and the factory of the firm is one of the most thoroughly modem and up-to-date of the kind in this part of the country, while they have the finest offices of any paint company in the west. Their trade reaches out all over the country except to the Pacific coast district and their brand of paint is well established. They manufacture a high grade product and in addition to selling paints they are extensive jobbers of plate and window glass. Since the removal to the present location the business has increased in very notable and gratifying measure.

On the 24th of February, 1896, George W. Patek was married to Miss Pearl Cohen of Milwaukee, and they have a daughter, Gertrude, who is a graduate of Girton College. Mr. Patek is a member of the Woodlawn Country Club, also of the Milwaukee Athletic Club, the Wisconsin Club, the Rotary Club and the City Club. He also belongs to the Masonic fraternity and loyally follows the teachings and purposes of the craft.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 3

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