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Fred C. Ellis, long recognized as one of the eminent members of the Milwaukee bar, was born September 14, 1874, in Oconto, Wisconsin, his parents being Oakman and Carrie (Farnsworth) Ellis. The father was a native of Oldtown, Maine, while the mother was born in Racine, Wisconsin. Oakman Ellis came to this state at the dose of the Civil war and engaged in the lumber business.

In his early youth Fred C. Ellis became a pupil in the public schools of his native city and at the age of fourteen he matriculated in the Lake Forest Academy at Lake Forest, Illinois. There he was graduated on the completion of a preparatory course in 1892, after which he entered Amherst College at Amherst, Massachusetts, and finished his studies by graduation in 1896. Having thus qualified by liberal college training for life's practical and responsible duties, he returned to Wisconsin and here entered upon the study of law in the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He carefully prepared for the bar and was graduated in 1898, in which year he was admitted to practice in the courts of this state. He then entered the law firm of Olin & Duller, with which he remained until 1901, when he came from Madison to Milwaukee and here formed a partnership with Willett Spooner. This firm maintained an existence with the two partners until 1911, when it became Lines, Spooner, Ellis & Quarles, ranking as one of the foremost law firms of the state. Mr. Ellis remained a partner until his death and was long accounted one of the foremost representatives of the Milwaukee bar. His knowledge of the law was comprehensive and exact and he was seldom, if ever, at fault in the application of a legal principle. He found ready solution for intricate and involved legal problems and his presentation of a case was always clear, concise and convincing.

On the 23rd of November, 1904, Mr. Ellis was married to Miss Augusta Helmholz, a daughter of A. C. and Elizabeth (Vogel) Helmholz, the former a native of Germany, while the latter was born in Milwaukee. Mr. Helmholz came to Milwaukee in the year 1861 in company with his parents, while the Vogel family arrived in the early '50s. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis: Oakman, whose birth occurred April 8, 1906; Frederick B., born September €0, 1907; Farnsworth, February 17, 1911; and Elizabeth, July 11, 1916.

The family circle was broken by the hand of death when on the 17th of April, 1917, Mr. Ellis was called to his final rest. He was widely and favorably known here — a popular member of the Milwaukee Club, the University Club and the Town Club. His friends were legion and everywhere he was spoken of in terms of the highest regard. He was a lifelong republican, much interested in politics and thoroughly informed at all times concerning the leading questions and issues of the day, hut he never aspired to office. He belonged to the Congregational church and his life» ever guided by high principles, made him one of the valued citizens of Milwaukee, honored and respected by all who knew him because of his marked capability in this profession, his fidelity in citizenship, his loyalty to the highest moral standards and his devotion to his home and family.

Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Volume 3

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