Читать книгу Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. V: Resolve - Jr. Ann Miro - Страница 4



Warrior Resolutions

I resolve to do this year

What I have done today

And that’s to put into motion

All of the things I say

I resolve to stop making

A list of things to do

I resolve to recognize

I must put ground to shoe

I resolve to stop wishing

And picturing my goals

I resolve to recognize

It is I that controls

Not a list of resolutions

That will be ignored

Every time I’m feeling lazy

Lethargic or bored

I resolve to not rise to

My expectation’s level

Instead my degree of training

Is in which I will revel

I resolve to not care if it’s

New Year’s Day or not

A calendar does not control

Potential I have got

I resolve to shut up now

And go forth and kick ass

And not waste any more time talking

Of what I’ll amass

Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. V: Resolve

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