Читать книгу A Short Critique of Climate Change - Jr. Elgin L Hushbeck - Страница 6


Why Climate Change

This book originally started as an article on how agenda often takes precedence over truth and how damaging this can be. I believe claims without examples are largely meaningless and so needed a well-known example. In my opinion, the most glaring current example is the alarmism over Climate Change. Since those taken in by the alarmism would not accept the premise, I started to write about the problems, but soon realized this would need to be more than just one or two; I would need to go deeper to show the theory is at best problematic.

It is important to make clear this remains only a brief overview and I have skipped lots of information. This book is not meant to be a complete in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of the various issues involved in the climate change debate. It is a short critique of the dominant view presented by the popular culture.

I will be presenting a some of the reasons why I question that human caused Climate Change poses a serious danger. If you accept the danger is serious, my goal is not to convert you, but to provide enough information so: 1) you realize there are legitimate reasons to question the orthodox view 2) you become more skeptical of the orthodox position and 3) you are interested enough to investigate this issue more in depth. However, if all you do is come away with a better understanding of the problems that cause many to question the theory, this book will have served a valuable purpose.

A Short Critique of Climate Change

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