Читать книгу "Yellow Kid" Weil - J.R. Weil - Страница 3



NABAT BOOKS is a series dedicated to reprinting forgotten memoirs by various misfits, outsiders, and rebels. The underlying concept is based on a few simple propositions: That to be a success under the current definition is highly toxic - wealth, fame and power are a poison cocktail; that this era of triumphal capitalism glorifies the most dreary human traits like greed and self - interest as good and natural; that the “winners” version of reality and history is deeply lame and soul-rotting stuff. Given this, it follows that the truly interesting and meaningful lives and real adventures are only to be had on the margins of what Kenneth Rexroth called “the social lie.” It’s with the dropouts, misfits, dissidents, renegades, and revolutionaries, against the grain, between the cracks and amongst the enemies of the state that the good stuff can be found. Fortunately, there is a mighty subterranean river of testimony from the disaffected, a large cache of hidden history, of public secrets overlooked by the stale conventional wisdom that Nabat Books aims to tap into. A little something to set against the crushed hopes, mountains of corpses, and commodification of everything. Actually, we think, it’s the best thing western civilization has going for itself.

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