Читать книгу New German Law to Combat VAT Evasion in Ecommerce - Jörg Brettschneider - Страница 4


Foreword 前言

This booklet about the new German law to combat VAT fraud international ecommerce “Gesetz zur Vermeidung von Umsatzsteuerausfällen beim Handel mit Waren im Internet und zur Änderung weiterer steuerlicher Vorschriften” is written in English and Chinese to give non-English speaking ecommerce sellers in China information about the coming legislation. Main target of the legislation are the ecommerce sellers from China.

本书内容是关于新近德国打击国际电子商务 VAT 欺诈的法律 《防止在电子商务中关于销售货物的逃税和为了改变其他税法 规定的法律》,以英汉双语书写,从而方便非英语背景的中国 电商卖家获取即将出台之立法的相关信息。该立法的主要针对 对象是来自中国的电商卖家。

The Deutsche HansaGT GmbH, a German-Chinese business consulting firm from Hamburg, has not only translated part B of the manuscript in Chinese, but has consulted the author about the topic. The Deutsche HansaGT GmbH has built up a unique expertise in German-China cross border business projects and consults the author on business questions related to China regularly.

德国 HansaGT 有限公司,是一家位于汉堡的中德商务咨询公 司。该公司不仅对本书 B 部分内容进行了中文翻译,而且为笔 者的话题也提供了咨询。德国 HansaGT 有限公司在中德跨境 商务项目中有着非常卓越的专业知识,并定期为笔者提供关于 中国商务问题的咨询。

The author is very grateful for valueable discussions about the topic with ecommerce sellers from Shenzhen/China in March, April, July and August 2018 and with the staff of the Deutsche HansaGT GmbH and especially with Xuyang Liu and Harm Hinrichs. Various people helped the author to built up a network in the Chinese ecommerce business.

笔者在此感谢与来自中国,特别是深圳的电商卖家在 2018 年 3 月、4 月和 8 月以及与德国 HansaGT 有限公司的员工,特 别是刘旭阳和 Harm Hinrichs 进行的富有价值的讨论。笔者在 许多人的帮助下建立起了中国电商业务网络。

Last but not least the author is grateful to his assistant Yiwen Sun not only for translation work, editing work and discussing the topic, but for explaining VAT law to Chinese clients as well.

最后,笔者在此对助手孙怡雯的翻译、编辑、参与话题讨论以 及向中国客户解释 VAT 相关法律的工作表示感谢。

The part B was written in August 2018 in Shenzhen/China in the context of discussions with ecommerce sellers and was published as Econstor-Working Paper on September 6th, 2018. This part is revised and updated.

本书的 B 部分是于 2018 年 8 月,在与中国特别是深圳电商卖 家进行讨论并于 2018 年 9 月 6 日出版了《Econstor-工作文件 》的背景下,在中国深圳进行的写作。该部分内容现进行了修 订和更新。

The author can be contacted by email: desk@ecomvat.com.


Hamburg, November 25th, 2018


New German Law to Combat VAT Evasion in Ecommerce

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