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One day, early in the morning. One of those days when I still could see your pretty smile on your beautiful face and not only your sincere eyes, but the morning of that day, got a bad twist, then also the afternoon and night, the night was growing longer, never ending, and more and more distant, making us forget the feeling our daily routine.

The news became monotonous and sad, so sad that it did not seem of this world, although we would have liked to wake up from that senseless nightmare. And since that dark day, our existence has been changed for worse or who knows for better, if it weren’t for all those who were defeated and who had been deprived of hope, and even worse for the loved ones who saw their lives skewed.

Later, with empty hands and a heart and mind full of that lost hope, souls went in search of the radiance to be able to win the last battle, and so the days went by accumulating wars won but also yet lost.

Little by little, we left behind our dreary lies along the way, and in this way they helped to clear the shadows of the path, to enter into the true essence of life, also of the importance of valuing things for their true merit and not for the superfluous value of all that in the past we had hoarded as treasure in our lives.

This book of poems tries to transmit the feelings of its author and is written, not only for lovers of poetry, but also for the rest of humanity, as it addresses each of the sectors and feelings involved in the covid19 and in a predominant way, to honour, also to criticize all those who, in one way or another, helped forge the memory of our chronicle for the pages of the history books of a near and yet distant future in which our ancestors should reflect on in order to put an end to this pandemic of men blinded by power and abandoned by humanity.

On the other hand, the author includes in this book two short stories, in different volumes, referring in the first one to the monotony of confinement and in the second one to the difficulties of a love relationship, with a slight sense of eroticism between a couple, of an almost withered marriage, real as life itself, linking subtly both stories.

Poetry for humanity

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