Читать книгу Parenting Done Right: An Easy Guide for Raising a Child That You Can Be Proud of - Judie O. Michael - Страница 4



There is nothing more perfect than holding your new baby for the first time. However, babies do not come with manuals and parents are often stressed out and worried if they are doing things right.

Is this the right thing for their child? Everybody loves to give advice to new parents and much of what they are told might clash with what somebody else had told them.

Who to believe? What method do you use? What do you do as they get older? Discipline or not discipline? Best potty training methods?

Take a deep breath because if you have child that is under the age of ten, this book is written just for you. Naturally, you want to raise children who are confident, respectful and polite and the ideas, tips and methods in this book are time honored and time tested; in short, they work.

It is necessary to have a good relationship with your child and this book will help you be able to do so and to raise them the right way.

It is important to raise your children the right way because they really are the next generation. How you raise them will in turn, determine how they raise their own children. In a world where violence seems to be on the rise, raising children can seem like a daunting prospect.

You want your child to be safe and in order to do that; you need to be a hands-on parent. You need to instill values and morals into your child.

If you are a working parent, that’s understandable. Not everybody can stay home with their children but you still need to be a hands-on parent.

When you are home, you need to devote your time to your family so you build up your relationships with your children and can help guide them as they grow up because their childhood is when they develop their morals and beliefs and that is where this book comes in.

Remember that children lead by example. If you want your child to not back talk, you need to not back talk either. If you want your child to be kind you need to show kindness to everybody.

Children learn from their parents, if you do something, they will do that same thing. Be the role model for them; let them learn to be ethical, kind, and polite from you.

Respect, ethics, morals, confidence and self-sufficiency are all things that you want your child to have but they learn these things from you.

As a parent, you might need to do a little spiritual housecleaning of your own, shedding some bad habits that you don’t want your own children to pick up on.

This book will take you over the basics of potty training, how to build a relationship with your child, how to make sure that you raise a child who is confident and who has the right value, the importance of playtime, the importance of a good diet, and how to raise a well-behaved child.

As stated in the beginning this book is geared for parents of children from birth to the age of ten and it will serve as your guideline for raising a child who is healthy in both body and spirit.

Parenting Done Right: An Easy Guide for Raising a Child That You Can Be Proud of

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