Читать книгу The Element Encyclopedia of 1000 Spells: A Concise Reference Book for the Magical Arts - Judika Illes - Страница 65

Sexual Fluids


Male and female sexual fluids are considered intimate items of extreme power and vulnerability. Although these sexual fluids leave you vulnerable to the most notorious of love spells, they also have other uses. Semen is often invoked in healing spells (topical application allegedly cures headaches), while women’s sexual juices provide access to the life-force: it was not an uncommon ingredient in ancient Chinese alchemists’ potions. Women’s vaginal secretions, both sexual juices and menstrual blood, were frequently the preferred food for vampires seeking increased sexual vitality and/or life-force.

The Element Encyclopedia of 1000 Spells: A Concise Reference Book for the Magical Arts

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