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Copyright © 2001 Judith Fitzgerald and XYZ Publishing.

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Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Fitzgerald, Judith

Marshall McLuhan: wise guy

(The Quest Library; 14).

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-9688166-7-3

1. McLuhan, Marshall, 1911–1980. 2. Mass media specialists – Canada – Biography. I. Title. II. Series: Quest library; 14.

P92.5.M3F57 2001 302.23’092 C200-1941199-5

Legal Deposit: Fourth quarter 2001

National Library of Canada

Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

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The publishers further acknowledge the financial support our publishing program receives from The Canada Council for the Arts, the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles.

Chronology: Judith Fitzgerald

Index: Darcy Dunton

Layout: Édiscript enr.

Cover design: Zirval Design

Cover illustration: Francine Auger

Photo research: Cynthia Cecil

Editorial assistant: Cheryl Taylor

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Marshall McLuhan

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