Читать книгу I Call to You from Time - Judith Sornberger - Страница 13

What I Heard This Morning Filling the Birdfeeder


You thought I said dominion?

Oh dear. Let’s backtrack

here a little. As each bird

flew from my fingers,

each whale and finny thing

swam from my tongue,

each beast of the earth

crept into being, I remember

quite distinctly saying,

Welcome to your domus.

They all seemed to get it

and set out to find their rooms.

I greeted you with the same words.

Could it be that you misheard?

Or were you already

too big for your fig leaves?

Or did the error come

when I whispered your mission?

That’s always the trouble

with translation. Listen,

If I’d made one creature

king, wouldn’t I at least

have installed wings?

If I’d meant you to go on

this way, would I have tossed

wings down the dark avenue

of early morning to wait

in the arbor vitae for you,

putting on, one by one,

their sparrow voices:

Wake up. Wake up.

Wake up.

I Call to You from Time

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