Читать книгу Runaway Cowboy - Judy Christenberry - Страница 2


He pushed open his bedroom door and led her to his bed.

“Sit down before I’m tempted to turn you over my knee!”

Jess rebelled. “How dare you!”

“I dare because I rode out to find you when your horse came back. I carried you back to the ranch, took you to the hospital and held you. I dare because I’ve kissed you and told you I’m sorry at least ten times.”

“I don’t remember that.”

He grinned at her. “Maybe not, but you certainly didn’t resist. And I’m grateful, because it gave me hope.”

“Hope for what?”

“For you to love me,” he said simply. He leaned over and kissed her lips, softly to start, then more deeply.

When Jessica could breathe, she said, “We can’t – We’ve got to stop.”

Jim did as she asked. He stood up and let his hand linger on her leg as long as he could. Then he looked down at her with an unreadable expression in his eyes. “Let me know when you’re ready,” he said. “I’ll be waiting.”

Runaway Cowboy

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