Читать книгу Almost Perfect - Judy Duarte - Страница 7


Dear Reader,

I’m honored to have Almost Perfect chosen as the May Readers’ Ring release. For those of us who love reading books and enjoy discussing them, the Readers’ Ring is a great way to further our pleasure and understanding of stories with emotionally compelling plots and characters.

Almost Perfect holds a special place in my heart, in part because Maggie and Jake became so real in the writing process. And, yes, maybe because there’s a little bit of Maggie in me.

As teenage friends, Maggie and Jake had similar backgrounds, yet different ways of coping with their past. Isn’t that the way it is for all of us? We make choices, sometimes conscious and sometimes not, based upon our personal histories and experiences. And as humans, we hate to make changes in our lives unless forced by circumstances oftentimes out of our control.

No matter how difficult the problem, I want my characters to learn that when a door closes they should look for an open window. There is always a way out of even the worst place, but sometimes a person has to work to get there. I hope Maggie and Jake’s story inspires you to remember that, too!

Happy reading,

Almost Perfect

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