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Chapter 4

The next morning at 4:00 a.m. Natasha walked into work, stifling a yawn behind her hand. After a night of merriment, she had somehow dragged herself out of bed at her usual time. She performed her morning workout and, humming music from the ballet, entered the rehearsal hall promptly at 5:30 sharp. Once rehearsal began, however, she quickly realized this was going to be a long, difficult day.

“No, no, no!” Damien shot out of his chair and walked toward the stage and quickly up the steps. “Natasha, what are you doing?”

“I’m dancing.”

“Is that what you called it?” An eyebrow rose mockingly as he reached her side.

She bristled at his insult, even though it was justified. She wasn’t at her best today; her mind had been wandering to the wonderful party last night.

“I’m…” His angry look cut her words short.

“This is the passionate part of the dance, and you’re not doing it right. You’re not crisp enough! You’re being stilted, careless and cold!” He screamed the words at her.

“I’m sorry.” His criticism stung all the more because it was warranted.

“I don’t want your apology.” He folded his arms across his broad chest as he glared at her. “I have to have passion from you. Passion! Do you know what that is?”

She bit her lower lip hard to stem the tears that wanted so desperately to escape from her eyes. She would not cry in front of him. She was a prima ballerina and she could take stinging criticism—especially when it was justified. He wanted passion, and she would show him passion.

“May I try it again?”

“You’d better.” He scowled as he walked off the stage.

She took a deep breath and released it, glanced at Erina, who gave her thumbs up for encouragement, and then began to dance. She must have done better, because this time Damien didn’t interrupt her, though when she finished he was still frowning.

“Again,” was all he said.

She performed the dance for the third, fourth and a fifth time before he allowed her to stop. She was breathing hard from exhaustion, but she was prepared to perform again until Damien was satisfied.

“That was adequate.” Some of the bite left his voice. “But it still needs work.”

She took heart in his words. At least he wasn’t screaming at her anymore, and in her book that was major progress.

“I’ll give it special attention.”

“Yes, you will.” He nodded curtly. “Dennis, try it with her.”

“Yes, sir.” Dennis took her hand and whispered in her ear, “You’ll get it.”

Natasha offered him a slight smile. “I will.”

“All right, you two, let’s go,” Damien ordered impatiently.

“Yes, sir,” they echoed in unison and began to dance.

The other dancers breathed a collective sigh of relief, glad Damien’s anger wasn’t directed at them. This was the first time they had seen him lose his temper, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Once lunch came, everyone was overjoyed for the break.

* * *

Natasha stood in front of her coach in a small rehearsal hall occupied by only the two of them. She chewed on her lower lip as Erina sternly lectured her.

“You are a prima ballerina now, Natasha,” Erina reminded. “More is expected of you than just being good. You must be great.”

“I know.”

“You were sloppy in rehearsal.” Erina touched her shoulder. “And you know it.”

“I guess I was distracted,” she admitted.

Erina frowned. “By what?”

“I was thinking about my party last night.”

Erina allowed her expression to soften. “It was a spectacular event, no?”

“It was better than I ever dreamed.” Natasha beamed. “Damien went overboard, didn’t he?”

“Mr. Johnson appreciates your talent, and you deserved every heap of praise you received.”

Natasha hugged her coach close and kissed her cheek. “Oh, I love you, Erina. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that.” Erina returned her hug for a few seconds. “Now, we must put that type of emotion into your dance. Come now, let us practice, and when you return to stage, you will, how do you say, knock Mr. Johnson’s socks off.”

“Yes,” Natasha smilingly agreed.

“Let’s begin. First position. Now stretch,” Erina instructed. “Good. Bend more, more. Good.”

Erina ordered one difficult exercise after the other without hesitation, challenging Natasha’s strength and resolve. Natasha performed each maneuver without complaint; she was intent on being perfect when rehearsal continued, and hard work was what it took to be perfect.

Our First Dance

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