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Chapter 3

Angela drove down George Washington Memorial Parkway for about forty-five minutes until she reached the high-class neighborhood of Potomac, Maryland, where Cam lived. She admired the beautiful multimillion-dollar mansions that sat an aesthetically good distance from the road, until she located Cam’s house—a sprawling two-story white edifice surrounded by a white iron security fence, which thankfully was open. As she drove up to the house, she spared a quick glance at the magnificent, well-manicured lawn. It was only the third week of March, but the grass was already dark green and healthy. Tiny shrubs, colorful plants and flowers strategically framed the circular driveway. A spectacular view of the Potomac River was visible just to the left of his house.

Once she stopped the car and put it into Park, she sprinted out of the vehicle and ran to the front door. She rang the doorbell, alternating with knocking furiously. Just when she thought she was going to have to call for help, she spied a blurred figure approaching through the purposefully distorted frosted glass door and it finally swung open.

Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of a bare-chested Cam. His feet were also bare, and he wore black jeans that hung low on his lean hips. In one hand he held a black shirt carelessly. His frown quickly turned into a smile.

“Angela, what are you doing here? I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow night.”

“You called me.” Her voice came out in a rush as relief flooded through her at the sight of him. “Why?”

“Oh.” He scratched his chin as if thinking. “I just wanted to ask if you liked Thai food.”

“Thai food?” She stared at him in disbelief. She had nearly had a coronary because he wanted to know if she liked Thai food!

“You could have just called me back.”

She frowned at his logical retort. “I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer your phone.”

“Oh.” He glanced down at his smooth, bare chest, drawing her attention there, as well. “I was probably in the sauna. I never take my phone in there.” He stepped aside. “Come on in.”

“Thanks.” She walked inside and he closed the door behind them, motioning for her to follow him down the black-and-white-tiled hallway into the living room. She noticed his back was just as defined as his muscled chest, and to stop from touching him, she linked her fingers together in front of her. Lord, she wished he’d put on his shirt to remove the temptation to caress his smooth, hard muscles.

“Were you worried about me?” he tossed over his shoulder.

“No,” she quickly answered before sitting down on the sofa.

“No?” He treated her to a skeptical stare before sitting closely beside her. “Then why are you here?”

Why did he have to sit so close? Why hadn’t she chosen one of the tan wing chairs across from the sofa? Gosh, he smelled good—clean, spicy and woodsy. She clasped her fingers tighter together as they lay in her lap to keep them from tracing the well-defined muscles of his pecs that were silently, yet loudly, inviting her to explore to her heart’s content. She bit her lower lip to keep in the groan of appreciation that wanted so desperately to escape from her mouth as her eyes drank in their fill of his magnificent physique.


“What?” She gazed into his eyes, certain he knew where her deviant thoughts had taken her. It just wasn’t right for one man to be so sexy or so handsome.

“Were you worried about me?” he asked again with a knowing smile.

“I was concerned,” she slowly admitted. “I had visions of you passed out on the floor.”

“And you took time out from your busy day to check on me.” He covered her hands with one of his, and a bolt of awareness shot through her. “I’m flattered.”

She shrugged dismissively. “It’s no big deal.”

“It is to me.” His voice slid over her, caressing like fine silk. “This was quite a drive from Washington.”

“I made good time.” She tried to remove her hands from his, but his fingers tightened, refusing to release their grip.

“But still—”

“Feel free to put your shirt on.” Darn, why had she said that? Now he’d know how much his fit physique was disturbing her—and, Lord, was it disturbing her! To add insult to injury, he had the nerve to grin, revealing those stunning dimples of his. Oh boy, she couldn’t take much more of this man’s innate charm or outward beauty.

“You’re a nurse. Don’t tell me a bare chest is embarrassing you.” A patient’s bare chest? No. But Cam’s smooth, muscled, dark brown skin? Definitely.

“Of course not. I just thought you might be—” she paused “—cold.”

He laughed outright before a sensual grin turned up the sides of his mouth. “Believe me, the last thing I am sitting next to you is cold.”

“I...um...” He shifted closer, and she managed to free her hands and placed one to her suddenly constricted throat. Oh, please don’t let him touch me again, or I’ll combust on the spot.

“In fact, now that you’re here, feel free to examine me thoroughly.”

Without answering, she quickly stood and placed some much-needed distance between them. Walking over to stand by one of the bay windows, she took in deep gulps of air to steady her rapidly beating pulse.

“Are you okay?” She heard the humor in his voice that matched his amused eyes when she turned to look at him.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She tried valiantly to appear cool and unmoved by his sensual teasing, but knew she failed miserably.

“You’ll get no disagreement from me on that point.” His eyes slowly moved over her, setting off little violent eruptions of need in their wake.

Before she disregarded common sense and flung herself into his arms, she tore her gaze away from his and fingered a crystal vase sitting on a nearby table. Then she glanced around the room while mentally ordering herself to get it together. She noted the comfortable furnishings. The walls were blinding-white stucco with a high vaulted ceiling and high-polished red-oak flooring, half covered by a tan-and-white throw rug. Her eyes lingered on the white baby grand piano situated to the far right of the fireplace before returning to connect with the depths of Cam’s eyes.

“Your house is gorgeous.” It was a deliberate way to change the subject.

“Thanks.” Leaving his shirt carelessly draped over the back of the sofa, he stood and walked over to her, every nerve ending in her body at attention as he approached. She felt like prey being stalked by a hungry lion. “It’s home.”

“I pictured you living in a bachelor pad.” She tried to keep the conversation light and impersonal.

“That’s not me.” He stopped a few feet away from her. “I like comfort, room to roam around in and privacy. This place gives me that and is still close enough to the office and Washington proper.”

“All this space for just one man?” She cocked her head at him. “Doesn’t it get lonely?”

“No, I enjoy my own company.” He paused before taking another step closer and adding, “Perhaps one day I’ll find someone special to share it with, though.”

“I’m sure a lack of female companionship isn’t one of your problems.” That slipped out before she could stop it.

“What does that mean?”

She sighed. “Just that any woman would feel lucky to spend time with you.” He smiled as though pleased with her answer, and she admitted, “You’re quite a catch.”

His expression changed, and she wondered why. “Because I’m rich?”

“No, because you’re a nice man and you have a great personality.” The smile reappeared at her words. “You’re fun to be around.”

“Is that right?” His eyes slowly investigated every feature of her face, traveling down her body and detonating little explosions of awareness within her before finally returning to stare into her now-dilated pupils.

“Yes.” She wished he’d stop staring at her as if she were his favorite food that he couldn’t wait to devour.

“Thank you.” He walked closer until only inches separated them. Suddenly she felt the need for some fresh air before she did something embarrassing like swoon at his feet. “But any woman just won’t do,” he continued softly. “I’m afraid I’m very choosy about whom I spend my time with.”

“Are you?” It took every ounce of self-control she possessed not to touch him. They were so close she could feel the heat radiating off his bare skin, caressing hers, silently inviting her to touch, explore and taste. She took a step backward, and her back encountered the window, informing her she was out of space to maneuver.

“Yes, I like to surround myself with real people who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it.” He stepped forward, erasing the rift she had purposefully created between them. “That’s why I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.”

“You think I know what I want out of life?”

“Don’t you?” She definitely knew what she wanted professionally, but personally—that was a different story altogether. When she remained silent, he unexpectedly offered, “Would you like a tour?”

She blinked and then said, “That would be great, but I need to get back to the hospital.”

“I understand.” He leaned away from her, and she instantly missed his warmth. “You have a standing invitation.”

“Thanks.” She maneuvered carefully around him to retrieve her purse from the sofa.

“Can I tempt you with something?” He smiled mischievously. “I was just about to fix some lunch.”

“No, thanks. I’ve got to get back for a staff meeting.”

“Okay.” He slowly walked toward her, eating up her oxygen with each step he took. “Thanks for checking on me.”


“I’m sorry I worried you.”

“I’m glad you’re okay and that you’re following doctor’s orders and resting.” She breathed a little easier as she slipped back into her professional mode.

“I told you I would. Didn’t you believe me?”

“Let’s just say that I’m pleasantly surprised you are being a good boy.”

“Normally I’m not, but I have motivation to be.” He ran a hand lightly down her arm before grasping her hand. “Very lovely incentive.”

“I need to leave now.”

“If you must.” He reluctantly released her hand. “See you tomorrow night.”

If she had any sense, she’d cancel their date. Her strong reaction to his immense charm was disquieting, but she knew if she tried to back out now, he would unleash more of his abundant charm against her until she gave in again, and frankly, she didn’t think her heart could take that; therefore, she would go on one date with him as she’d promised, but that was it.

“Bye, Cam.” She turned and walked out into the hallway. He followed her to the front door where she glanced at him and softly ordered, “Next time, answer your phone.”

“I’ll keep it by my side.” He made an X over his heart with a finger—a spot her lips longed to taste. “I promise.”

Without another word, she left. Once she reached her car, she glanced at the door and found Cam watching her with a hungry grin that curled her toes. Managing a small smile, she got into her car and drove away before she succumbed to an insane urge to throw herself in his arms and kiss that constantly smiling mouth of his. Oh, heaven help her!

* * *

The next night, Angela studied her reflection in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. Cam hadn’t told her where they were going, and she had no idea how to dress. She had chosen a simple short-sleeved knee-length black dress with a sweetheart neckline. You could never go wrong with a little black dress. She ran fingers through her short hair until she was satisfied, and then put on a silver charm bracelet on her left wrist and silver hoop earrings.

Her stomach was churning nervously, and she placed a hand there, silently chiding herself to calm down. For goodness’ sake, she was just going to dinner with a casual friend. A casual friend who made her insides feel as wobbly as Jell-O.

The doorbell chimed, and she turned from the mirror and quickly walked into the hallway, not stopping until she reached the front door. Her hand on the doorknob, she took several calming breaths, smoothed her hair and opened the door.

Her breath hitched at the sight of Cam. He was dressed casually in black pants, a dark gray shirt and gray blazer. As usual, his charming expression produced his to-die-for dimples.

“Hi, gorgeous.”

“Hi.” She stepped aside. “Come in.”


“Thank you,” she responded when he handed her a bouquet of lilacs. She brought the flowers to her nose, deeply inhaling their light fragrance. “They’re lovely.”

“Not as lovely as you.” Appreciative eyes ran over her, infusing heat throughout her wobbly body.

“I didn’t know where we were going. I hope I’m dressed all right.”

“Perfect,” he assured her.

“Let me put these in water.” She backed away toward the kitchen and motioned to the living room. “Make yourself at home.”

When she looked up from getting a vase out of the cabinet and arranging her flowers, he was leaning against the door frame, watching her with an expression that turned her knees to jelly.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” He held out a hand, and after a second’s hesitation, she walked over and took it.


“Ready?” At her nod, he led her back to the front door and followed her out. “Then let’s go.”

A short while later, they were seated in a crowded karaoke bar. Cam ordered hot wings, blue cheese dressing and cheese fries for them. Glancing around the picturesque bar, she laughed and took a sip of her iced tea. His choice of eateries was completely unexpected to her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head. At his continued stare she elaborated, “When you asked me to dinner, I imagined something different.”


“A fancy five-star restaurant,” she admitted.


“No, not at all,” she said quickly. “This place is great.”

“Are you sure?” He watched her closely. “We don’t have to stay—”

“Cam, it’s fine,” she assured him, and sighed contentedly. “In fact, it’s perfect. I’m already unwinding from my grueling day.”

“Me, too,” he agreed.

“What do you mean, you too?” She pointed an accusing finger at him. “You were supposed to be resting today, not exerting yourself.”

“I was resting. Honest.” He held up three fingers of his right hand in a Boy Scout pledge. “But I was anxiously anticipating our date tonight.” He winked at her. “And that was very taxing.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Were you?”

“Was I what?” She took a bite of a fry and chewed while awaiting his response.

He leaned closer and asked, “Were you anticipating our date?”

“I was so busy I really didn’t have the chance to think about it.” That was a teeny exaggeration, and she sensed he knew it. She’d spent the majority of the day obsessing about what to wear tonight.

“Right.” He made quick work of his own fry and grabbed another one.

“I didn’t.”

“I believe you.” She had the feeling he didn’t in the least. They were silent while he chewed on a wing, and she ate more fries before he wiped his hands on a napkin and stood. “I’m going to sing. Don’t go away.”

Angela’s eyes widened, and she gasped. “You’re going to sing?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He walked away and bolted onto the stage.

She watched with her mouth open, thinking he must be joking. However, he chose a song and waited for the music to start. When it did, he began singing Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer.”

Angela sat forward expectantly to watch what she thought would be a typical mediocre performance. Boy, was she wrong. He had a very good voice. He sang as if he’d been born with a microphone in his hand, and his dancing wasn’t bad, either. He immediately got into the song, and so did the boisterous crowd. Angela grew hot just watching him gyrating his hips, dancing across the tiny stage and really putting everything he had into his performance as if his life depended on it.

She quickly began clapping her hands and dancing in her chair as she watched his performance. Soon she noticed women were swooning over him—some going as far as to stand in front of the stage shamelessly reaching for him, clapping and cheering him on as if they were at a rock concert and he was the main attraction. She couldn’t blame them. He was a handsome devil, having left his jacket on the back of his chair before going onstage. His long-sleeved shirt clung to his hard muscles, leaving little to the imagination about his fabulous physique.

She felt a twinge of something that seemed like jealousy, which quickly turned to pride when she remembered he was her date, not theirs. He slowly ran his hand over his gorgeous bald head and stared straight at her and winked, knocking her heart out of its normal rhythm. Lord, the man oozed sex appeal, and when used in full force, it was deadly. She willed her breathing to regulate as she watched the remainder of his act.

All too soon, as far as the crowd was concerned, he finished and they lauded him with huge applause, whistles, cheers and pats on the back as he made his way back to the table where he picked up his beer and downed half the contents in one swig.

“Whew! That was hard work.”

“You were great!”

“Thanks.” He took a smaller drink. “In another life, I wanted to be a singer.”

“Really?” At his nod she asked, “Did you ever pursue it?”

“Nah, I thought it best to concentrate on a more stable career.” He admitted, “My friends and mother readily concurred.”

“Any regrets?”

“No, I love corporate law.”

“That’s how I feel about nursing. It’s great having a career that you enjoy, isn’t it?”

“There’s nothing better. I can’t imagine getting up every day and hating going to work.”

“Me, either.”

“You’re enjoying your new position being in charge, then?”

“Very much,” she answered. “It’s tons of work, but I’m thriving on the daily challenges.”

“I hear you’re doing a great job.” He grinned at her startled expression.

“From whom?”

“I have my sources,” he said mysteriously, biting into a wing.

“Alesha?” She nodded knowingly.

“I’m not saying.” He made a zipping motion across his mouth, causing her lips to curve into a half smile.

“I’ll bet you’re happy Derrick’s campaign is behind you so you can concentrate on your law firm.”

“It was a lot of fun and even more work, and I did neglect my practice, which is why I’ve spent quite a bit of time getting back on top of things. I’m happy to report the ship is again sailing in smooth waters now.”

“That’s good.”

“It’s great, because now I can concentrate on getting to know you better without any interruptions vying for my time.”

“You make it sound like a priority.”

“It is—rather, you are,” he readily agreed. “You’re my number-one priority.”

She liked the sound of that. She told herself that she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it, she did. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had considered her a priority. It was nice to feel wanted, even though she had no intention of allowing anything more than friendship to develop between them.

“I’m flattered,” she finally responded.

“We’re going to have fun together, Angela,” he said, treating her to one of his infectious dimple-laden grins, which turned positively mischievous. “Starting tonight.”

Her lips twitched in humor at the glint in his eyes. He was definitely up to something. “What are you thinking, Cam?”

He leaned forward. “Who says I’m thinking anything?”

“I do. I can see the wheels spinning in your head.”

“Okay.” He held up his hands in surrender. “You got me.”

“Well?” She waited for him to go on.

“What I’m thinking is...” He paused, grinned from ear to ear, and pointed to the stage. “It’s your turn.”

“Oh, no.” Her smile quickly deflated, terror lighting up her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

“Aw, come on, you can’t come to a karaoke bar and not perform. Besides, you said you liked the place, so prove it.”

“Cam...” She placed a hand to her suddenly thudding heart and nervously glanced around the packed room. “I’m not going up there in front of all these strangers.” She vigorously shook her head. “No way.”

“Why not?” He refused to give in. “There’s no pressure. Everyone is here to have fun.”

“I know, but—”

“No buts for you, remember?” He touched her hand. “Let loose tonight, Angela—for me.”

His sexy plea melted her insides, and she found herself weakening. Why was it so important to her not to disappoint him? This man really upset her equilibrium.

“I don’t have a very good voice.”

“This isn’t a talent competition,” he chided. “This is just for pure unadulterated fun. When was the last time you let loose and just had fun?” Longer than she cared to admit, she realized.

“I don’t know what to sing,” she hedged.

“I’ll choose a song for you.”

“Cam, I really can’t sing.” She tried again to beg off, but he wasn’t having any of it.

“Neither can half the people here.” He then offered, “I’ll sing with you.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t—”

He squeezed her hand, and she could tell he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Come on.”

She had no choice but to follow as he easily pulled her from her seat and led her to the stage. She stood there trying not to visibly tremble while he chose a song for them. Once back at her side, he took her hand and squeezed her fingers reassuringly.

She whispered in his ear, “What are we singing?”

“You’ll see.” He nodded at the teleprompter, where the title of the song appeared: “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)” by Aretha Franklin and George Michael. “Remember, this is just for fun, so stop looking so terrified,” he whispered as the music and words started scrolling across the screen.

Despite his reassurance, at first she was nervous, barely opening her mouth, but soon got into the festive mood because Cam wouldn’t settle for anything else. They flirted with each other as they danced and sang, and Angela soon forgot the crowd. It felt as if she and Cam were the only two people in the room despite the cheering for them.

She was off-key occasionally, but no one seemed to mind because she and Cam were really into the song and were flirting outrageously with each other. To her surprise, the song ended much too quickly, and they received more cheers and applause when they were done.

Cam hugged her close and whispered in her ear, “You were great.”

“Thanks to my excellent partner, I was passable.”

“Aw shucks, thanks, ma’am.” They laughed giddily as they left the stage.

His arm remained around her waist while they walked back to their table. He held out her chair, and she gratefully sank into it.

“That was so much fun,” she said.

Cam wore a satisfied expression. “I told you it would be.”

“You were right.” She took a big drink of tea. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“I can, and you were outstanding.”

“I don’t know about that.” She laughed at his high praise. “We were good together.”

“I have the feeling singing isn’t the only thing we’re going to be good at together.” Her breath caught at the roguish glint in his eyes. “I can’t wait to share other experiences with you, babe—more private performances, so to speak.”

“Cam, stop it.” She was suddenly hot all over, and not due to the physical exertion she had just undergone, but rather, to the burning heat of Cam’s gaze directed solely at her.

“Stop what?” He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I’m just stating the truth.”

She shook her head at him. “Has anyone ever told you you’re incorrigible?”

“My mom,” he said with another one of his signature grins. “But I thought women liked bad boys.” His thumb rubbed back and forth across the sensitive flesh of her inner wrist, sending delicious shivers of awareness through her.

“Some do, but most of us prefer dependability.”

“Baby, I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” He stared deeply into her wary eyes and said, “On that you can depend.” Searing heat infused Angela’s body at his easily uttered words and suggestive expression.

If she hadn’t known it before, she knew now that this man, with his unending supply of charm, was going to be very hard for her to resist. It was going to be harder still for her to remember exactly why she wouldn’t allow herself to become entangled in a romantic relationship with him.

Staring into his playful eyes sparkling with mischief, she knew she had inadvertently bitten off more than she could chew when she had agreed to go out with him. Oh boy, she was in deep trouble, and its name was Cameron Stewart.

Take Me in Your Arms

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