Читать книгу Celebrity in Braxton Falls - Judy Campbell, Judy Campbell - Страница 8



SHE couldn’t understand where the voices were coming from … Kerry stirred restlessly as she slowly awoke and a child’s high little voice floated upstairs, singing ‘Humpty Dumpty’, penetrating her sleepy brain. And then there was a burst of giggling, a clattering of kitchen noises, and someone running a tap.

She squinted across at her bedside clock, then as it came into focus gave a yelp of horror—it was nine o’clock and she should have been at work an hour ago! She saw the still-full mug of cold cocoa on the table and everything came flooding back—Frank’s accident, the drama last night, and the bursting of the riverbank. So many things had happened yesterday. She’d almost forgotten that Denovan and his son were staying with her.

Denovan O’Mara. She rolled on her back and closed her eyes and like the rerun of a film a picture floated into her mind of her falling forward and being swept up in his arms. She could still feel the shiver of attraction that had flickered through her body and how it had shaken her. Oh, sure, he was the kind of drop-dead gorgeous male that most girls would die for—but not her. She had fallen in love with Andy, sweet, gentle, self-effacing and kind. She’d never been attracted to Denovan’s assured, smooth type—especially when it was mixed with arrogance!

OK, she’d been grateful for his undoubted skill last night, and he’d certainly thrown himself into the rescue. He’d actually been rather heroic, she admitted, battling against the weather as he’d helped to dismantle the fallen wall, directing the team of men, putting himself at risk when he’d helped to lift Sirie over the mud near the raging river. And perhaps it was her admiration for his contribution last night that had made her act in such an odd way—yes, that had to be it. And anyway, and most importantly, Denovan O’Mara was obviously a family man with a child—however attractive, he was off-limits!

She swung her legs over the bed and started to peel off her filthy clothes from the night before. She drew back the curtains and looked down the street, amazed that, instead of rain, sunlight bathed the village in a golden light and the hills beyond had a backdrop of blue skies. It was hard to believe that there’d been a raging storm that night. Still, the road was covered with thick mud and she could see knots of people making their way up the hill from the flooded road below. Abandoned cars were strewn haphazardly on pavements and across the road. She was profoundly glad that Denovan and his son were only staying for the one night and would be going today—she had enough problems to worry about without catering for two guests.

A quick shower and a change of clothes and Kerry made her way downstairs, a delicious smell of fresh coffee permeating the little cottage. It reminded her that it had been a long, long time since she’d had anything to eat or drink and a cup of hot coffee would revive her more than anything else. Straight afterwards she’d ring the surgery and tell them she’d be along directly. She imagined the bulging roomful of patients waiting to see her, and sighed. How the hell would she ever get through them all?

In the kitchen Denovan was on his mobile phone, his back to her, and Archie was sitting at the kitchen table, consuming a pile of toast. He gazed at Kerry and smiled.

‘Here’s that lady again,’ he informed his father. ‘She’s got out of bed now.’

Kerry pulled the coffee pot towards her and poured out a large mug of coffee. ‘Hello, Archie, did you have a good sleep?’

The little boy nodded solemnly. ‘But Daddy didn’t. He kept falling out of that bed. It’s too small for him.’

Denovan snapped his mobile shut and turned round with a grin. ‘Hey, I was very grateful for that bed, young man.’ He looked at Kerry. ‘You went out like a light—I’m not surprised.’

The ruined suit had gone and now he was wearing jeans and an old fisherman’s jersey, and although his hair had been washed, as it had dried it had sprung up in a tousled way over his forehead—he looked very casual and it suited him. Kerry pinched a piece of toast from Archie’s plate.

Celebrity in Braxton Falls

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