Читать книгу A Texas Family Reunion - Judy Christenberry, Judy Christenberry - Страница 2


Dear Reader,

I knew all along David would be the resistant one. It would be too much to expect every long-lost Barlow to want to be found. Poor David thought he already had enough family, but ultimately had to relearn what “family” really means. Who better to teach him than his blood siblings?

I think David’s attitude is quite understandable—not everyone reacts well to change. We try to plan our lives and then when things change, we can be left floundering. That certainly has been true for me. My life hasn’t turned out as I planned it long ago. In some ways it is so much better; in others, it’s not so good. But I’m trying to make the best of what I have. David learns to do the same, and comes to love his old family while learning to relate to his new family. I hope you enjoy David’s journey.

Since David is the last of the five living siblings, you may be wondering if I’m doing a ghost story with poor Wally. The answer is no, I don’t write paranormal. The last book is about Vanessa, who has been in every book but hasn’t had her own story. Since we all know she’s firmly planted in the family camp, her story will be about what she does best—rescuing someone who also needs a family.

Thanks for your loyalty throughout this series. I love writing books about family, and I’ve enjoyed these stories especially. If you have any comments or questions, you can reach me at my Web site, www.judychristenberry.com.

Happy reading!

A Texas Family Reunion

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