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Chapter Eight



Elizabeth jumped. She hadn’t heard Jack come into the kitchen. She picked up the phone, hung it up and turned to him.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she said quickly.

“Want to buy them a wedding present?”

“Oh! I’d forgotten about a present. I need to get a dress, too.”

“For what?”

“Carol wants me to be her matron of honor. I need to buy a dress.”

“Good. I need to buy a tux.” He smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling. “I’m the best man.”

“You’re going to buy a tux?”

“Aren’t you going to buy a dress?”

“Well, yes. Will you have another opportunity to wear it?”

“Yeah, I’m planning on it.”

“May I go with you and do my shopping, too?”

“Sure. I’m leaving just after lunch.”

“Thank you, Jack.”

“No problem.”

She hurried upstairs.

Jack stood there, watching her departure. A smile played across his face. Yesterday she’d been jealous when she thought he had another girl. Today she was jittery at the thought of being partnered with him at Tom’s wedding. He hadn’t missed her dropping the phone and the splash of color on her cheeks when he came in.

It was going to be an interesting wedding.

But first he needed to buy a gift.

Earlier when he’d been talking to Tom, Tom mentioned getting some new furniture for their bedroom. He also wanted to spruce up the room with a more formal sitting area in front of the fireplace. That would make a perfect gift.

She had the money to buy her dress for the wedding. And he’d get to see her in it before anyone else. That thought made him smile to himself, his eyes dancing.

“I’ve been thinking about my gift to Tom and Carol and I had an idea for you, too.”

Elizabeth turned to him as he drove them into town to shop. “What do you have in mind?”

He told her about the bedroom set he planned on buying. “I thought you might want to give them a TV so they could go to their room for some privacy in the evenings.”

“You’re right, Jack. I think that’s a good idea, but I don’t know anything about televisions. Can you help me pick out one?”

“Sure.” After a moment he said, “Are you saying you didn’t have a television?”

She shook her head.

“Did you not want one?”

“Reggie never saw a reason to buy one. I hadn’t had one when we got married, so I guess he assumed I didn’t want one.”

“He wasn’t much of a husband, was he? I mean, aside from the obvious, he didn’t know you very well.”

“Let’s just say he didn’t waste any effort trying to get to know me.”

Because talking about Reggie seemed to sadden her, he changed the subject. “You know, this is the second time in a week that we’ve gone shopping. That’s pretty amazing. I never shop that often.”

“You could’ve fooled me.”

He grinned. “I didn’t think I knew what to do. The salesladies helped me a lot.”

“Yes, I’m sure the salesladies helped you, but I think you did an amazing job.”

“With no cooperation from you, by the way.”

“That’s true. I didn’t think Tom should spend that much on us. I didn’t feel he had a reason. After all, he didn’t really know us.”

“You were all he had left of his son.”

“I wasn’t sure he’d be glad to know he had anything left of Reggie.”

“He didn’t realize how bad Reggie had gotten. I was hearing things about Reggie, but Tom didn’t hear. He thought his son wasn’t good at letting his dad know how he was doing, but he forgave him for that.”

He turned and looked at Elizabeth. “He still has a future in Brady and Jenny, thanks to you.”

“I’m glad for him,” Elizabeth said, “and I’m glad for Brady and Jenny. They now know their grandfather.”

“And they’re now going to have a grandmother, too.”

“Did you know she’d miscarried twice? I felt so sorry for her when she told me that.”

“Yeah, we knew that. I thought she seemed awfully lonesome.”

“Now she’ll have a lot of family.”

“Except me. I’m not really family.”

“But Tom said he regards you like his son. Only a nicer version.”

“I appreciate Tom saying that, but I’m not like Reggie. And I have my own parents.”

“You never talk about them. Are they local?”

Though he didn’t want to talk about himself, he felt she at least deserved some details. After all, she’d divulged the truth about her addicted mother and unknown father.

“The family ranch is up near Tulsa. My mother passed away five years ago, but my dad’s still alive. He’s retired now. He turned over the ranch to my two older brothers.” He tried to keep any emotion out of his voice.

Judging from the sympathetic look in her eyes, Elizabeth detected some. “Do you see them much?”

He shook his head and looked back to the road. “Every couple of years since I’ve been at Tom’s.” He should’ve just left it at that, but he added, “Not much for me there.”

At her puzzled look he added, “My brothers got the ranch. There was nothing left for me.”

“But you have family here, Jack. Don’t you see that?” Her eyes pleaded with him to understand, but he only said, “Not anymore.”

“So you’re still thinking about leaving?” There was anxiety etched in her face. He knew she felt guilty about that.

“Yeah. I don’t want to take care of the ranch until Brady is ready to take the reins.”

“Will you go back home?”

“No.” There was no chance of that.

“But can’t you work out something until you find a better place?”

“I don’t think I can find time to look for another ranch and still run this one.”

“But you have a little time, don’t you?” He thought her voice quavered.

“No, not really.”

“But I don’t think—I mean, can’t you stay another year?”

“No. I don’t want to go through spring roundup here.”

“You plan to leave that soon?”


Logically he knew that was the right thing to do. He had the desire and the means to buy his own ranch; it was always what he’d envisioned himself doing with his life. But emotionally he wasn’t quite so sure. With Elizabeth and the kids there, the Ransom Ranch was going to be harder to put behind him.

Elizabeth turned forward in her seat, and they passed the rest of the ride in silence.

When they reached the mall, she opened her door, pulling her coat around her.

Jack got out and hurried around his truck to face her.

“Elizabeth, I’m not trying to be mean. But if I don’t have a chance to buy the ranch, I need to move on.”

Elizabeth pulled away from Jack’s hold and walked toward the mall. She didn’t want to walk beside him.

He didn’t try to talk to her again.

When they went in the store they had shopped in last time, she went to the department for evening gowns. Jack followed her.

“Why are you coming here?” she asked.

“You said you wanted my help.”

“No, I’ve changed my mind.”

Despite that, he continued walking with her.

“I don’t want you to come with me. Do you hear me?” When he didn’t listen, she grabbed his arm. “I don’t want your help. I want you to go do your own shopping.”

“Give it up, Elizabeth. No matter what you say, I’m going with you.”

She wanted to scream at him, but she wouldn’t do that. She stepped into the department and looked for a saleslady. When one appeared, she explained that she was looking for a matron of honor gown.

The saleslady led her to a long rack of long gowns and party dresses and Elizabeth began flipping through them. The saleslady stepped back and asked Jack a question.

“What kind of dress does your wife like?”

“I don’t know. I’m not her husband.”

“Oh, I apologize. I just assumed since you were with her that you were her husband.”

“No, she’s a widow.”

“Oh, my. Does she want to wear black?”

“No. She wants to honor the bride.”

“Yes, of course.”

“I think she’ll need some advice, and she’s not talking to me.”

“I’ll take care of it, sir.” She stepped up to Elizabeth. “Can I offer you some assistance? There’s one gown that I think you might like. Let me go get it.”

She came back carrying a sapphire-blue gown with a high bodice and a flowing skirt. “That’s gorgeous.”

“The color matches your eyes.”

Elizabeth stepped back from the rack. She couldn’t imagine another gown that would be any better. “I’ll try this one on.”

“Certainly, ma’am. This way, please.” The saleslady led the way to the fitting room.

Moments later when Elizabeth emerged in the blue gown, Jack was sitting in a chair, waiting for her. When he saw her, a feeling overcame him. A wish, really. He wished he was her husband.

He’d admired Elizabeth since he first saw her. She was beautiful. Though she was tired when she first arrived, she hadn’t shrunk back from cooking and cleaning. Her generosity and her eagerness to please had impressed him.

She opened her heart to Tom, expecting nothing in return. For all he’d given her she’d been grateful, and she’d raised her son to be thankful, despite what little they’d had.

She was a remarkable woman.

If he had a choice, he’d like to stay at the Ransom Ranch. With her. If he thought he could have that ranch as his own, and Elizabeth as his wife, he’d be a happy man.

But that wasn’t meant to be.

“This gown looks beautiful on you, Elizabeth. I think it’s the one.”

“Yes, I like it. I hope Carol does.”

“I don’t see how she could think otherwise.” He smiled at her. “You know, I think I remember a little dress I bought Jenny that is almost that exact color.”

“It’s settled, then.”

When she’d changed, they headed off to find Jack’s tuxedo.

He, too, settled on the first one he tried on. Elizabeth thought he looked so distinguished in the black tux with a white shirt and black bowtie. And handsome. Very handsome.

Then again, she thought the same thing when he came in dirty and dusty from a hard day on the ranch.

The tailor went right to work on the alterations, giving them two hours to find wedding presents.

In the furniture department Jack made his choices quickly. Elizabeth bought pillows, a comforter and sheets to go with Jack’s gift.

“I thought Brady and Jenny could give them those presents,” she explained.

“They’ll get a lot of invitations to birthday parties if they give those kinds of gifts.”

Elizabeth laughed. “How many times does one get a new grandparent?”

“Good point.”

They went next to the electronics department to find a television. With his help she picked out the top of the line.

“Tom and Carol won’t want you to spend this much,” Jack cautioned her.

“Why won’t he worry about how much you’ve spent?”

“He knows that I’ve saved my money.”

“In order to buy his ranch.”

“But he knows it’s not for sale. He’s made that clear.”

“Maybe if I talked to him? Maybe I can convince him to sell the ranch to you, if he and Carol can continue to live there.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Why not?” She was searching for the elusive explanation that Jack failed to give.

“It doesn’t matter. He wants to save the ranch for Brady.”

“But I don’t want Brady to grow up like his daddy.”

“His daddy didn’t do much on the ranch.”

“Then maybe Brady should work on the ranch. To learn how to be a rancher, not just an owner.”

“I understand that, but I won’t be there to help him.” There was a finality in his voice that Elizabeth hated hearing.

“I know,” she said, unable to keep the sadness from her tone.

She went back to the televisions and paid for the one she chose. They had it sent to the loading dock.

“When are they delivering the furniture?”

“They promised to deliver it Friday at two.”

“How will you keep it hidden from Tom?”

“I’m sending him up to my room to get peace and quiet for his nap.”

“That’s nice. Won’t he be suspicious?”

“No. He’ll believe me.”

“Of course he will,” Elizabeth said with sorrow as she thought about how much Tom would miss having Jack around.

And so would she.

Elizabeth and Jack walked into a happy family scene. Tom and Brady were playing cards and Carol was cuddling Jenny. A fire was burning in the fireplace and there was a heavenly scent coming from the kitchen.

“Carol, you fixed dinner! It smells great,” Elizabeth exclaimed.

“Shopping always makes me tired and I thought it might have the same effect on you,” Carol said.

“Yes, it does,” Elizabeth said as she shot Jack a dirty look.

Carol looked at Elizabeth then back at Jack. “Did you two have an argument?”

Elizabeth straightened and wiped all emotion from her face. “No, of course not. We just…disagreed.”

Jack sighed before saying, “We’ll talk about it later, Elizabeth.”

“Maybe if we eat, everyone will feel better,” Tom suggested.

“I feel fine,” Brady pronounced.

“Yeah, but I think you’ll want some of that banana pudding Carol made.”


Smiling, Elizabeth ruffled her son’s hair. “How’s Jenny?”

“Oh, she’s just the sweetest thing,” Carol cooed as she talked to the baby. “She has the biggest blue eyes for such a little thing.”

“Just like her mother,” Jack pointed out.

Carol didn’t notice any disagreement then. “Yes, just like her mother,” she agreed.

Tom began stacking the cards, saying, “We’d better get these cards put away, Brady, so Grandma can serve us dinner.”

Brady looked up at Carol. “‘Grandma’? Are you going to be my grandma?”

Carol beamed at the little boy. “Yes, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be your grandma.”


“Come on, Brady,” Jack said. “I’ll help you clean up. Maybe we can wash our hands together.”

“I’ll come, too,” Tom said following them.

Elizabeth stared at them wondering why all three of the “men” were going into the downstairs bathroom.

“What’s wrong with Elizabeth?”

Before Jack answered Tom he shot a look at Brady. He wasn’t sure they should be talking in front of the boy. “Um, we got into a discussion about the, uh, wedding.”

“Does Mommy not want to go?” Brady asked, reminding Jack that he was right to worry. He came up with some story to satisfy the child.

“Sure she does. But she wanted pink roses on the cake and I wanted red roses.”

“So who won?” Brady was certainly amused by the contest.

“I guess she did because we’re having pink roses,” Jack answered.

“Do they taste good?” Brady asked.

“I think so. Go ask your mom, if your hands are clean.”

After Brady scurried out, Tom asked, “What is Elizabeth really upset about?”

“What you and I discussed the other night.”

Tom frowned and shook his head. “I wish I could change my mind, Jack, but I want the ranch for Brady.”

“It’s okay, Tom. I understand. I just thought when you get back from your honeymoon I should start looking for a new ranch.”

Tom gripped Jack’s shoulder in a large rugged hand. “It seems a poor way to pay you for your loyalty.”

“You’ve paid me a good salary, Tom, and I’ve been happy here. But change is good for all of us.”

“I won’t argue that, because I wouldn’t want the kids or Elizabeth to go. I’m feeling better now and I want to help out around the ranch, but I don’t think I can run it.”

“We’ll find someone for you before I leave. Just enjoy your honeymoon.”

“Thanks, Jack.” Tom started to leave and then turned and looked Jack in the eye. “You know, you could just marry Elizabeth.”

Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle

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