Читать книгу Past Life Therapy: The only introduction you’ll ever need - Judy Hall - Страница 13



Past life therapy can be helpful in many different areas: phobias, irrational fears, health problems; removing fear of death; understanding eating disorders, family dysfunction, addictions, sexual difficulties, marital and relationship problems. It defuses negative patterns, finding the reasons for present life difficulties, and setting positive change in motion.

It can change your life dramatically, eliminating guilt and anxiety. It will help you to develop your potential, unlock latent talents, create better understanding of others, reveal your life purpose and reason for incarnating, and initiate new patterns of response, not reaction. By rewriting your life script, you can remove outworn emotional and doctrinal conditioning, and attune to an inner source of knowledge. Past life therapy creates a sense of knowing and accepting your whole self as an immortal spiritual being on a human journey.

Past Life Therapy: The only introduction you’ll ever need

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