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“It’s not often someone takes my breath away.”


He eased forward slowly, giving her ample time to stop him. “I can’t pretend you don’t stir something in me, Callie. And I sure as hell can’t pass up this opportunity.”

Her mouth felt soft beneath his as he caressed her uninjured cheek. Keeping his touch light, he coaxed her mouth open and slid his tongue in to meet hers.

Callie pulled back and brought her hand to her lips. “Noah, we can’t do that.”

“Pretty sure we can and did.”

“You don’t need this complication on top of caring for me, and I can’t afford to be sidetracked by you and your charms…and those kisses.”

He couldn’t help but grin. Apparently he’d found just the thing to distract her.

Hollywood House Call

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