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Praise for Julia Justiss

From Waif to Gentleman’s Wife

“Justiss has crafted another Wellington family tale featuring Hal and Nicky’s good friend Sir Edward ‘Ned’ Greaves. The story is emotionally charged and heartwarming, as two lonely hearts fall in love, only to be ripped asunder by secrets and betrayal.”

RT Book Reviews

A Most Unconventional Match

“Justiss captures the true essence of the Regency period…The characters come to life with all the proper mannerisms and dialogue as they waltz around each other in a ‘most unconventional’ courtship.”

RT Book Reviews

Rogue’s Lady

“With characters you care about, clever banter, a roguish hero and a captivating heroine, Justiss has written a charming and sensual love story.”

RT Book Reviews

The Untamed Heiress

“Justiss rivals Georgette Heyer…by creating a riveting young woman of character and good humor…unexpected plot twists and layers also increase the reader’s enjoyment.”


My Lady’s Honor

“Julia Justiss has a knack for conveying emotional intensity and longing.”

All About Romance

My Lady’s Trust

“With this exceptional Regency-era romance, Justiss adds another fine feather to her writing cap.”

Publishers Weekly

London, 1814

A season of secrets, scandal and seduction!

A darkly dangerous stranger is out for revenge, delivering a silken rope as his calling card. Through him, a long-forgotten scandal is reawakened. The notorious events of 1794, which saw one man murdered and another hanged for the crime, are ripe gossip in the ton. Was the right culprit brought to justice or is there a treacherous murderer still at large?

As the murky waters of the past are disturbed, so servants find love with roguish lords, and proper ladies fall for rebellious outcasts until, finally, the true murderer and spy is revealed.

Regency Silk & Scandal

From glittering ballrooms to a Cornish smuggler’s cove; from the wilds of Scotland to a Romany camp—join with the highest and lowest in society as they find love in this thrilling new eight-book miniseries!

The Smuggler and the Society Bride

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