Читать книгу The Untamed Heiress - Julia Justiss - Страница 2


Dear Reader,

One of the questions writers often receive is “Where do you get your ideas?” In the case of The Untamed Heiress, the story simmered at the back of my mind for so long, I’m not sure where or when the idea originated. I just knew that someday, when the publishing world permitted, I wanted to write Helena’s story.

Growing up in a cruel isolation imposed by her father, Helena Lambarth is a wild creature who comes to London with absolutely no preparation for entering the highly structured world of Regency England. Wary of society and even more wary of men, she goes her own way with fierce independence. Until Adam, Lord Darnell, her reluctant host and sponsor, begins to touch her heart by demonstrating that men of honor, courage, integrity and compassion do exist. If only he hadn’t already pledged his hand to the wealthy, oh-so-conventional Priscilla Standish….

I hope you will enjoy as much as I did watching Adam melt the walls of ice Helena has erected around herself—even as her untamed spirit inspires him to find a way to meld duty with passion.

Happy reading!

Julia Justiss

The Untamed Heiress

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