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Dear Reader,

I remember the first time I fell in love with a scoundrel. I was eleven years old. His name was Han Solo. I liked the way Princess Leia pushed him around, but he pushed back. I liked the way he shot first and made no apologies later. I loved how in the end, everyone thought he’d abandon them, but instead, he came back in the nick of time and saved the day.

The scoundrel is a wily hero. He’s hard to justify, but even harder to resist. He’s charming and clever and when he’s bad, he’s oh-so-bad. He’s Rhett Butler. He’s Danny Ocean. Or even better, he’s Danny Burnett, the hero of this book and the third brother in my Legendary Lovers series.

Danny isn’t your typical good guy. He doesn’t have an implacable moral code, and the only time he deals with law enforcement is when they’re after him. Now he’s inherited the infamous Murrieta ring—which means his life is about to undergo a serious change.

And, of course, that means a woman!

I hope you enjoy the story, especially the sweet antics of Black Jack and Lady, two real cats who are looking for their forever home (check out the Blaze Authors’ Pet Project at www.blazeauthors.com for details). As the owner of a rescued cat, I know the joy animals can bring. Please stop by and see me on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/readjulieleto) or Twitter (@JulieLeto) and, as always, at www.plotmonkeys.com.


Julie Leto

Too Wicked to Keep

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