Читать книгу Protective Instincts - Julie Miller - Страница 2


“And where do you think you’ll be when those bullets start flying?”

At last she turned. Her face was close to his, her eyes studying his mouth as if analysing the words that just came out.

He tucked a golden strand behind her ear. “I have a hard time with you – Ben, too – being a detail that gets overlooked. Ben’s already growing up without a dad. I couldn’t handle it if he had to grow up without a mother, too.”

She reached up and touched his face with her wet hand, stroking his jaw. “It’s for Benjamin’s sake that I’m trying to be this strong. You saw how upset he got this morning at the diner. He needs to know that I can take care of us.”

“My mum and dad were always stronger together.”

Her tremulous smile cut straight to his heart. She brushed her fingertips across his lips. “I don’t know what that’s like, Sawyer.”

“Let me show you. Let’s be that team.”


Sawyer Kincaid – This gentle giant discovers a darker side to his personality when his father is murdered. When the woman who once rejected his love is targeted by a killer, will it bring out this Kansas City cop’s protective instincts, or send him over the edge?

Melissa Teague – As a young woman, she married a man who turned out to be her worst nightmare. When her ex escapes from prison, she learns that putting her faith in another man may be the only way to survive.

Richard “Ace” Longbow – Melissa’s abusive ex. He’s escaped from prison to save his own neck from an inside hit, but what’s his plan for life on the outside?

Benjamin Teague – A bright, happy four-year-old who knows nothing about the father who never claimed him. Melissa wants to keep it that way.

Fritzi Teague – Melissa’s mother.

Hank Brennerman – Ace’s cellmate. He likes to talk.

Tyrell Mayweather – An enemy of Ace’s from inside the pen. But escaping from prison makes strange allies.

Riley Holt – The FBI agent in charge of recapturing the fugitives.

William Caldwell – Longtime family friends of the Kincaids.

John Kincaid – Deputy commissioner of the KCPD, Sawyer’s father. Unforgivably, unmistakably dead. But why, and who’s responsible?

Protective Instincts

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