Читать книгу One Good Man - Julie Miller - Страница 8



Mitch Taylor—Captain of the Fourth Precinct. Gladiator in a suit and tie. He was once a kid of the streets, and the last thing this veteran cop wants to do is baby-sit a Plaza princess.

Cassandra (Casey) Maynard—She lost her family and her future in one horrible act of violence. She knows it’s just a matter of time before her stalker returns to finish what he started.

Commissioner James Reed—Uncle Jimmy is the only family Casey has left. But is he too busy with his reelection to listen to her fears?

Iris Webster—She’s been James’s right hand for years. She’d do anything to protect him.

Emmett Raines—A master of disguise. Toying with his victims is all part of the game.

Darlene Raines—Emmett’s twin. Together, they devised a perfect plan.

Judith and Ben McDonald—They’ve served the Maynards for years.

Jack Maynard—His reputation as the “No-Budge Judge” cost his family dearly.

Steven Craighead—Bodyguard or betrayer?

Cynthia DeBecque—Why does the murdered prostitute’s name keep popping up?

One Good Man

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