Читать книгу Pomeranian - Juliette Cunliffe - Страница 23



Pomeranians are known to suffer from trouble with the knee joints, known as patellar luxation, a problem that is fairly common among Toy breeds. Many dogs with patellar luxation live with the problem without experiencing pain, in part because the breed is so light in weight. However, surgery has to be resorted to in severe cases. It is sensible to train your Pomeranian not to do any strenuous jumping, especially off high places, for this can result in damage to the knees. Climbing up and down stairs should also be restricted or, at the least, supervised. Another important factor is that a dog should not be overweight, as this is likely to exacerbate the problem.

Poms love to play and require exercise to stay fit. Well-behaved children can be ideal playmates for Poms.


At the first sign of any minor infect the author has often found that live yogurt, administered orally, is of gre benefit. This sometimes has the effect of rectifying the problem almost immediately, before a course of ant biotics becomes necessary.


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