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Lala 1. Awakening Girl
Moony 1. Dedication


We were standing in a dark room, or rather, it was a Hall in which there were hundreds of girls besides me, and they were all wearing white. The visibility was not very good, but after she appeared, the Woman in the dazzling white dress, decorated with golden patterns, on Her head was a snow-white-golden Kokosha, in the center of which was a golden rose. After Her appearance, the hall became brighter.

«Greetings. Welcome to the Academy, MOONY ROSE. You, the strongest from Planet Gaia. You have all studied and learned the Arts of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are the best students and representatives of your Schools. We have watched you, your exploits, your successes and failures. And now, it is time to move on and learn new things. You stand on the verge of making a very important decision in your life. To become a Matrona, one of Us, or to return and thereby condemn your School to general disgrace. The choice is yours».

Based on my observations, all the girls stayed where they were.

«I knew it, You are the Best of the Best.

My name is Maria Eternal+Light

Maria, clapped her hands together, and then space began to fill with silvery lights. At first they flew in the space among us, and then they rushed upward and filled the ceiling, so it became very light. You could see all the girls in that light.

After the brightening, Mary, continued with the Ceremony.

«And now, Dear Ladies, let’s enjoy Our Most Beautiful Hymn».


Moony Rose, Greetings to You!

The Matrisha have come to find wisdom

Come, come, do not be afraid.

To the Moon Rosy you reveal yourself

Four Roses, Four Colors

You will never forget

Wake up Matrisha the Hour has come

The Flowers flow, they save Us All.

Moonlight will illuminate our Path

Courage, Protection, Intelligence and Purity

Our Sisterhood forever and Unity

Standing guard over PlanEt Arth.

Four Roses, Four Colors

You will never forget

Wake up Matrisha the Hour has come

The Flowers flow, they save Us All.

We march in unison

Moonlight in our Hearts

Our Roses on our Hands

With the Moon Rose We are One

Violet Scarlet Black and White

You can see We are delight

Four Roses, Four Colors

You will never forget.

After the Hymn ended, the Hall was slightly transformed and the Moon Gate appeared in the centre. All the Girls were automatically moved to the front of the hall and they all looked straight ahead, at the Enchanting Gate.

«It’s time to find out what kind of Rose you are.

White and Fluffy, or maybe Dark and Bold,

Balance and Intelligence or Protection and Self-Denial.

Jump through the Gate and let the Moon tell us who you really are. Let’s get started!»

After Mary Eternal+Light said, in her powerful voice, «Begin,» all the Girls began to jump through the Gate. After the jump, the girls’ clothes changed color: Purple, Black, Scarlet, and White.

It was my turn to jump. I started to sprint and run toward the Gate, and then I jumped, and there I was, flying through the tunnel, Butterflies circling around me, and then four Spheres of different colors arrived, leaving only the purple one to merge with, and after the bloom, I found myself on the other side of the Gate. When I looked at my clothes and saw the purple coloring, I immediately realized that my Heart was now connected to the Purple Flame.

After all the Girls had passed through the Gate and Luna had shown them who they were, Mary EternaL continued with the ceremony.

«Greetings, young Matrisha. Pay attention to the colour of your robes, for the colour will indicate to you the Faculty to which you are now directly related. Each Faculty has its own Coat of Arms, Anthem and Head Rose. I ask all Roses of the same colour to stand together.»

At that moment, I began to look around for the Purple Roses. When I saw where they were concentrating their location, I headed toward them. After all the Matroshas had organized themselves by color, Maria continued with the Ceremony.

«That’s better. And now, please welcome! The Heads of the MOONY ROSE Academy Faculties.»

Ariana Blackstone

Sisters of the Night

Hail Maha Kali

Grant us protection

From false direction

Black Mother

Never forget

What will take

And What will get

Those you love

For their sake die

In the Battles of the Eternal

We are One Side

Hold back the fury

Don’t forget us

Protect the Earth

Won’t be disgrace

The Black Rose

On our Hands

On the Battlefield

Marks of Valor

Remember Maha Kali

In Our Hearts

Black Roses

Stay Together

Black Lives Matter

For Us is Forever.

While the Hymn was being played, a Woman appeared, wearing a Black and Gold Cloak and a Dark Blue Dress underneath. Her skin was pale and her eyes dark blue. She was two and a half meters tall, but she was shorter than Maria. After the Black Rose Hymn ended, Ariana speaked to the Matrisha.

«Greetings, Fearless Roses. Our Faculty is the Firepower of the Academy, MOONY ROSE. For We, for the most part, do not spare ourselves or the enemy, standing to the last hour on the battlefields of the frontier world. I wish you, my Sisters, to be the best. For We, the Sisters of the Night, will protect this World, Forever. Our Motto»

«As long as We are Alive, You have Hope.»

The speech was very strong as was Ariana’s Voice.

«Thank you, Ariana for a beautiful and powerful speech. As always, your Speech, full of Strength and Courage.»

«And now, please welcome the Head of the Scarlet Rose»

Alla Silverbraid

The Scarlet Light

Scarlet Roses

Protecting the World

See Our Light

Feel good in your Soul

The Million Scarlet Roses

You’ll see in the fight

We are Guardians of Gaya

Keeping you safe

In the same Line

With Sisters of the Night

We’ll keep our peace

We will not give it up!

We’ll protect

Pray for Us

Keep your Spirits up and hold on

Scarlet Dawn, here We come.

Silver roses began to appear in the space and then these roses began to turn scarlet. After that, all the roses went to the podium and out of the roses began to appear the figure of the Woman, wearing Scarlet Clothing with golden patterns, the same colouring was on Her Hija-Okosha, which matched Her Scarlet Eyes very well.

«Scarlet Roses, I am glad to see new faces in our ranks. Ariana, thank you for your strong Speech. The Black Roses are the Sisters with whom we stand shoulder to shoulder on the battlefields, those with whom we must learn and master the Art of War. Unlike the Sisters of the Night, our task is to defend, not to attack. We, The Scarlet Roses, protect our Sisters, so that they can stay alive as long as possible in the frontier world. We Protect and Heal, providing all kinds of support to our Sisters, on the battlefields. Our Motto,

«We will stand as a wall + Our Spirit will not fall».

I wish you, young Matrisha of all colors, May The Million Scarlet Roses be with you, and then nothing and no one will break your Spirit.»

The Speech inspired not only me, but probably everyone else as well. For these Words awakened confidence in my Heart.

«Thank you Alla. A very inspiring Speech.

Meet The Brain of the Academy.»

Violetta Strange

The Purple Flame

Purple Flame In Our Eyes

Violet Rose In Our Hearts

Science + Time + Balance

We’ll take you with us

Science will lift you up

You’ll know everything

When you’re in the balance

You’ll see Her

My Sisters and I go into Trance

See how beautiful our Balance

In Trance we’ll know Eternity

Welcome to Majority

When you’re in the balance

You won’t get lost

In the depths of consciousness

With the Sisters of Eternity

Welcome to Minority

Time will show itself You’ll find it

From Eternity you’ll never

Never escape :)

The Hymn was played but nothing happened, and then we all found ourselves in that moment when Mary was expressing words of appreciation to Alla for Her inspiring Speech.

The Matrisha were all confused as they had heard it before, but that wasn’t all. A couple of seconds passed and I started to see the others myself, they were talking to each other. «Je m’appelle Shirella, es toi?» «Ich heiße Shirer», «私の名前は シラ ちゃん», «I don’t fucking want to study on the Moon, are you crazy, take me back to Earth, I want to stay a Witch», «There’s so many of us, we’re like Twins», «It’s more accurate to say Eternplets – Eternal-Plets or Cuties» «Yeah think you’re the smartest?» «Wow, Girls look, it’s the one Shira who’s gonna save us all», «What, do you see the future?»

Great Mother, what was going on. At that moment I could not understand anything, but Glory to the Great Mother it all stopped and She appeared.

Violetta Strange in a Gold and Purple Сloak, Hija-Okosha with the symbol of Eternity in the middle. All the Heads had

Hija-Okosha but it was Hers that caught my eye. Purple enchanting eyes looked at us all.

«Well, how’s that for a short trip through time? Ah yes perhaps you have also seen yourself from other parallel realities. Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it. There are so many mysteries to learn at the Faculty. Parallel Worlds, other dimensions, time travel. Our Faculty focuses on science, so you must accept new discoveries without fear.

Our Motto

«Even though we can’t know Eternity, we’re trying.»

I wish all Matrisha to discover Eternity in their Heart.»

«A Grand appearance, Violetta, Thank you. I even saw a couple of hundred of myself.»

It was very unusual, as if I was paralysed, and then after Her speech I got over that feeling and came to my senses.

«The Final of Ceremony with…»

Маруся Злато-Солнышко

(Marusia GoldSun)

Heavenly Choir

The White Rose in our Hearts

The Bell tolls in Heaven

Heavenly Choir Songs

Your Heart calls to Heaven

With a flap of the Wings

Seeing Heaven

We’re praising You

Heavenly Beauty

Mary + Mather of Earth and Heaven

Mather of Everything

Light shine upon us

Light show us the Way

To the Great Mather lead the Soul.

The space began to fill with golden tiny lights then a very subtle squeak or whistle began to sound, then it was difficult to recognise the sound as the Hymn was played in the background and the space shone golden white with a slight tinge of pink. After that came the White Roses, in space they floated all over the room. Beauty, Light, Tenderness, and to all this, the beautiful sounds of the bells. In the background of all this beauty, Marusya began to appear. When she fully appeared, there was a powerful burst of energy, and the epicenter of that burst was…

Marusia Gold-Sun

From Her Heart a Wave flew through the entire Ceremonial Hall, where we were. This Energy enveloped all the Matrisha, and the feeling was complete Euphoria and Bliss.

«The Celestial Choir Welcomes You. We are glad to see the New Roses and We are ready to reveal the White Rose in your Hearts. May Maha Kali, One Million Scarlet Roses, Purple Flame and We +o Heavenly Choir o+ be with you.»

The shortest Speech, Glory to the Great Mother, for my legs want to rest. After this Presentation of Marusa and Her short Speech, I felt then that I was in Seventh Heaven of happiness.

«Well, that’s it, Dear Matrisha.

All that remains is the Tree of La, which is in the Academy courtyard. I understand your legs are tired, and so We are already there.»

So, all that was left was to go around the Tree of La three times and touch, nothing difficult. At first I thought I would have to wait in line to enter the circle, as there were hundreds of Matrisha, but it turned out to be easier.

I heard a voice and It introduced itself,

«Greetings Shira, go around me three times and touch me to register and receive the Rose. Don’t worry about the Sisters, they won’t be tangible. Just walk through, come on, don’t be afraid.»

I began to walk around the Tree of La. I walked through the Sisters, and like Them, we weren’t tangible, like Spirits. I made my rounds three times, and then touched the trunk of the Tree. After touching, a Purple Rose began to emerge on the back of my Right Hand. After the Rose had fully manifested, on the back of my palm, the Tree of La told me

«Welcome to MOONY ROSE Academy!

Shira SilverMoon

Your Status is Junior Matrisha

Dedication Passed.»

After these words, my eyes began to slowly close. I felt myself fall onto something soft and fall asleep.

The Chronicles of Matrons: Sisterhood

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