Читать книгу Still Life and Other Stories - Junzo Shono - Страница 3


Macrons (long signs) on Japanese words are not used in this edition.

Except on the cover and title page, Japanese names are given in customary Japanese order, with the family name followed by the given name.

The stories in this book were originally published in Japanese as follows: Buto (“A Dance,” 1950), Purusaido shokei (“Evenings at the Pool,” 1954; awarded the Akutagawa Prize, 1955), Seibutsu (“Still Life,” 1960; awarded the Shinchosha Prize for Literature, 1960), Kani (“Crabs,” 1959), Tori (“Birds,” 1963), Makigoya (“Woodshed,” 1962), Soten (“Azure Sky,” 1964), Akikaze to futari no otoko (“Two Men and the Autumn Wind,” 1965), Shigotoba (“The Workshop,” 1971), Eawase (“Picture Cards,” 1970; awarded the Noma Prize for Literature, 1971), Ondori (“The Rooster,” 1973), Nezumi (“The Mouse,” 1973), Okujo (“On the Roof,” 1975).

Still Life and Other Stories

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