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Nights in White Satin


Simon speared the last-but-one avocado square.

‘So,’ he said, after some waves crashed into the rocks down by the shore, ‘so what DO you like?’

He leaned back and pointed the delicately constructed vegetable arrangement at me. It really looked very refined from all angles.

‘I like – I like being passive,’ I said, looking straight into his eyes. ‘Or, maybe, receptive is better.’

‘That sounds very good to me,’ he said. ‘I like to be the one who moves.’

‘Ah!’ I said, crossing my legs the other way.

‘What’s your favourite?’ he asked. ‘Really?’

He sucked the food off its stem.

‘I love – I love – bondage,’ I said.

There was music on the terrace, but it too was subdued and designed not to overwhelm nature. As if anything could overwhelm that Big Sur night.

Had I said the B-word a little too loudly, in my enthusiasm?

Bondage is a word that makes me flush with happiness whenever I get to say it. Bondage. I want to say it now. Join me if you like.

Simon had heard it, for sure. He automatically looked around, like that prey animal again. No one at the surrounding tables paid any attention. The waiter didn’t hover. Nepenthe had good staff.

I relaxed. Simon leaned forward. ‘Me too,’ he said, a little more quietly. ‘I love bondage too.’ He lingered sweetly on the word. And now he laid his hand on top of mine. His was cool and soft.

I relished the sensation. And, true to my word, I let him be the one who moved.

I closed my eyes so I could feel him better. He ran his fingers over the back of my hand. Delicate lines of investigation, following the shape of tissue and muscle. And the bone underneath.

‘I like soft wide bonds, around my wrists and my ankles,’ I said. ‘Not too tight, but certainly, certainly not too soft. I love that pressure.’ So much easier to speak with my eyes closed.

‘All sorts of ideas spring to mind,’ Simon said. ‘Let’s see what I can create. Improvise, like the guys did on stage.’

‘Oh, yes, right,’ I said, ‘you used to be a roadie.’

‘That’s right,’ he said. ‘In my wild youth.’

‘So you should know about ropes.’

He smiled. ‘But, like you, I prefer silk.’

Sex and the Stranger 2: A Mischief Erotica Collection

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