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Chapter XII


The colonists of Lincoln Island walked around the verge of the crater. Half an hour afterwards they were again upon the lower plateau. Pencroff thought it was breakfast time.

As they were leaving the plateau, Smith wished to explore Lake Grant. About 10 o’clock the little company descended the last declivities of Mount Franklin. A few bushes and trees were scattered over the ground. They were walking on a yellowish soil. Suddenly they saw Herbert, he was running back.

– What’s the matter, my boy? – said Spilett.

– Smoke, – answered Herbert. – We saw smoke, a hundred steps in front.

– Men in this region! – cried the reporter.

– Where is Top? – answered Smith.

– Top is on ahead.

– And did it bark?

– No.

– That is strange.

They saw, indeed, some smoke.

– You see, – said Smith, – It is nothing but a sulphur spring, it is good for our sore throats.

The colonists walked towards the smoke. They beheld a spring of sulphate of soda, which flowed among the rocks. The water in the spring was oily.

The Mysterious Island. B2 / Таинственный остров

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