Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Джеймс Аллен, Kahlil Gibran - Страница 104

Things to Do


The people who get the most done — and still seem to have the most time on their hands for other things — are the ones who go at their work from a carefully mapped out plan. For in the end, it’s the one who conserves and uses to its full, the 24 hours of Time at his command, that Leads and Rules.

The Successful are they that See and Do — the Unsuccessful are they that See — and do not Do.

Having Things To Do — and doing them according to Plan has produced sufficient Romance in the Business of the World, which if written out, would remain undying in its inspiration to succeeding generations.

A single illustration here. Hugh Chalmers, but a few years ago Office Boy, then Salesman, then Sales Manager, then Vice-President and General Manager, of the National Cash Register Company — now President of a Concern he himself organized and doing business into the millions! Each night Mr. Chalmers’ Secretary writes out on a little slip the ten most important Things To Do for the next Day.

Time used in Thinking out things the night before or at the beginning of each day and putting them into logical order for Action is Time invested in advance.

Victor Hugo says: “He who every morning plans the transactions of the day and follows out the plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. The orderly arrangement of his time is like a ray of light which darts itself through all his operations.”

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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