Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Джеймс Аллен, Kahlil Gibran - Страница 34



Be an Observer. Let nothing new appear without first clinching its value, studying its meaning, and absorbing its lesson. Learn.

Find Out.

Learn from Nature, People, Happenings. Read the thought of each day as far as you can fathom. Then apply your Knowledge. Learn all the time from everything you can — everywhere. Investigate the Mysteries, master the Difficulties.

Find Out.

Right now — a paragraph from History. John Milton — a word from you. “I am blind, past fifty, but I am completing my ‘Paradise Lost’.” Michael Angelo — your testimony. “Though seventy years of age, I am still learning.” John Kemble — what have you to say? “Since leaving the stage, I have written out Hamlet thirty times. I am now beginning to understand my art!” You who have eyes, and ears, and mouths to talk with — Learn.

Find Out.

Your work to-day may look useless. You may be “only a Clerk.” But you will always be one if you fail to Learn. For the Path of advancement marks the Way of the man. Learn.

Find Out.

Leadership comes solely to those who KNOW. Knowledge is surely Power. The Diners at the Table of the Feast of Success are no favored folk — none other than those who took the time to Learn. You — if you would Win — Learn!

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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