Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Джеймс Аллен, Kahlil Gibran - Страница 46



Grit is getting the Brain and Heart and Soul of a man fused for a concerted, white-hot attack on Failure.

Grit is what grasps at the raw edge of Victory and chews it to the point of easy digestion.

And Grit wins — it gets there!

Grit started the action of the world — and has moved things ever since.

Grit lost — all is lost.

Grit is what keeps us from becoming beggars — helps us to shake hands heartily with Progress. Grit is the maker of Masters that master all things. Grit drives the stakes that point the path. Grit is what keeps a fighting man from going “stale.”

Grit “brings home the bacon.”

Grit makes the way for the Worker and the Doer. Grit is the pivot on which the aims and ideals and hopes of fighters hang steadily unto Success.

No sweat, no sweet — no Grit, no Glory.

So — get Grit!

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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