Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 106



To the fellow who never accomplished anything To-morrow is what happened yesterday, but which he seeks to make happen to-day.

The thing put off until To-morrow is rarely done To-day.

The great Task FINISHED is always the task done To-day, while yet there is Time, while yet there is inclination, while yet there is life and health — while yet there is Chance.

The thing put off until To-morrow is rarely done To-day.

Some of the biggest things ever accomplished were done in a day. Napoleon was banished to a living Hell — on a lonely rock with armed watchers hedged about him — for the simple reason that Blucher decided to do his part with Wellington without any courting with To-morrow. To-morrow for Grouchy meant Defeat for Napoleon for Blucher, “made good” To-day.

The thing put off until To-morrow is rarely done To-day.

It may be easier to do things To-morrow than To-day, but if you take the Chance, the one best bet is that they won’t get done. Money earned To-day represents Dividends for you To-morrow. Work entered into and done To-day renders back Ease and Satisfaction Tomorrow. Records made To-day, inspire and lead great armies of fighters To-morrow. But —

The thing put off until To-morrow is rarely done To-day.

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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