Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 116



Stir up your Salt.

For Salt — translated into terms of moral use — is the stuff that seasons and balances one’s work — keeps it from swaying into mediocrity, commonness and nothingness — it’s Grit, Courage, Back-bone, refined to the crystal degree. That’s Salt!

Stir up your Salt.

A man without Salt in his system is about as active a thing as a watch without works. Neither one goes.

Stir up your Salt.

The blood and body of a man is saturated with Salt. When a man’s Salt runs out the man runs out.

Stir up your Salt.

Salt is the thing that savors Mankind.

Stir up your Salt.

You are worth your Salt if you have worth to add to your Salt. Salt has no value alone. Salt is a partner ingredient. It’s a complement to what you already have to mix with it.

Stir up your Salt.

Salt is at once the commonest and rarest thing in all the world. It’s nowhere — yet almost everywhere. But it’s yours to take and use. Salt in your work is evenness of Effort, solidness of Purpose and assuredness of Faith in Results — Hope for better things — Courage for bigger tasks. As you work through the minutes and the hours, keep it firmly in mind that Success must needs have its share of Salt.

Stir up your Salt.

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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