Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 12



The very first commandment in the decalogue of Winning is to —

Keep your Chin up!

Get busy at the first job that you run into or that runs into you. Tackle it “on all fours,” if necessary. Center your whole enthusiasm in it. Study its every detail. Drive your very Heart interest into it. But don’t forget to —

Keep your Chin up.

People who look down never get much of an idea of the sky where the Stars are set. And the fellow who doesn’t hitch at least one or two of his wagons to a Star never gets very high up. Get your eyes off the ground. Look ahead.

Keep your Chin up.

For, after all, Winning is a thing within — then out. No other man will or can Win for you. No other man in all the world, no matter how exalted, has the ability and power that is concentrated in you, waiting for some match of Action to touch it off. Also, your Success can be as the Success of no other man. But you alone must find the Thing and DO the Work. It’s great fun, too, if you —

Keep your Chin up.

It is easier to Win than to Fail. Everybody sides with the Winner. But the Failure walks alone.

Keep your Chin up.

Remembering that to Win is to do your work well — to-day. The thing delayed or put off is the thing undone. Start right now. Straighten your shoulders. Set your eyes ahead. Clench your fist — close your jaw, and —

Keep your Chin up.

And you will WIN!

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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