Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran - Страница 38



Have courage.

Courage is the art of sitting calmly in your seat without stirring and without getting excited when the Brass Band of Popularity, or Temporary Success or Ridicule goes by your house and turns around the corner. Courage steps out of the crowd. It stands alone.

Courage is native Nerve — refined.

Courage is neither bulldozing nor bare bluff — it’s not related to either. Courage isn’t physical merely, but moral — mostly.

Courage is naked Right put through fire and brought out uncracked and unbroken.

Courage is heartworth making itself felt in deeds. It never waits for chances; it makes chances.

A day without some Courage sprinkled in it is a day little worthwhile. For Courage makes the Man — and there never was a real Man that didn’t have Courage.

Courage is a thing born in you — but it is also a thing much lustered by use and cultivation.

To-day, to-morrow — and every day — have Courage. It makes the heart glad and the soul strong. It starts smiles in the system and stirs up the kind of circulation in a man that makes him go out and do his best at the most humble undertaking.

You can never fail if you have Courage — but you can never win without it.

Have Courage!

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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