Читать книгу The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Джеймс Аллен, Kahlil Gibran - Страница 22



A great man by the name of Ansalus de Insulis — remember the name — once wrote these wonderful words: “Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die to-morrow.”

Be Responsible, first, to Yourself.

Responsibility is one thing that all must face and that none can escape. It starts with the baby in the cradle. It never ends! For the Responsibility of a man goes on even after his work in the flesh is over. A man performs a great deed. It lives in printed pages and goes on in its influence as long as there is any life in the world at all.

Be Responsible, first, to Yourself.

Individual Responsibility! It’s the thing that makes the Man. Without it there is no Man. Bear in mind, you who must realize Responsibility to your Employer, or to your Friend, or to your Home, — your first Responsibility is to Yourself. And if you are weak and false to yourself — if you wabble in doing the things that mean your very life and Success — you are already a Failure.

Be Responsible, first, to Yourself.

Then FEEL your Responsibility. No one is useless who believes that some things depend upon him alone. You who read this little preachment, take it to heart. Be unafraid of at least attempting larger things. Convince your own self that you have worth and can prove it — and the tasks of big moment will take care of you and lift you into importance and affluence — the gifts of having the courage to take Responsibility and shoulder it. But, remember to —

Be Responsible, first, to Yourself.

The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

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