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People are paid, ambition is achieved, success comes only in the measure that a man Thinks.


All great Doers were and are great Thinkers. Think. Mistakes, Confusion, Consternation are rare callers at the brain of the man who Thinks.


But think to a definite purpose. Systematize your ideas. Plan out the acts of each of your minutes, and hours — and days. Think.


Napoleon was a Thinker. Sought out one day in one of the crises of France, he was found in an obscure garret, studying the streets of Paris and Thinking out his best moves for the morrow. Think.


Be your own Silent partner. Think. Be responsible to your own Intellectual Force. Think. Forge from the anvil of your own hard fights and failures, the Deeds of Doing that can only come after the most rigid and pains taking Thoughts. Think.


Start this day with the resolve to Think out each act you perform, knowing that the largest and most useful Results follow the man who Thinks.

The Prosperity Bible

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