Читать книгу In This Together - Kara Lennox - Страница 3


Travis enjoyed the playful conversation way more than he should have

It was almost as if they were on a first date…flirting. With each snippet Elena revealed about herself, his admiration for her grew.

He suddenly wished he had met her at some other point in his life, instead of this desperate moment. When was the last time he’d flirted with a woman? Had to be Judith.

Had he ever even known what it felt like to simply enjoy the company of a woman? He’d spent his youth staying alive, keeping his brother on track. Then there was the army, prison, his business…and Judith. Nothing about his ex-wife had been simple. Every encounter with her had been fraught with the stress of trying to meet her expectations.

His heart ached unexpectedly with what could never be—not with Elena, and probably not with anyone. By the time he got out of prison this time, he’d be an old man, and Elena would be married to someone else with a houseful of children, even grandchildren.

Another Project Justice story where fighting injustice can lead to finding love!

In This Together

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