Читать книгу A Wicked Persuasion - Karen Foley, Cara Summers - Страница 15



ON A PRETEXT OF having business to attend to, Chase left Kate at the USO for the afternoon. He needed some time to get his head together and put things in perspective. Colonel Decker had made it clear that his only mission for the next week was to take care of Kate and her sister, but he also needed to touch base with the rest of his team. Even if the stand-down order was lifted in the next day or so, he was committed to remaining with Kate until the tour had ended.

Kate seemed happy at the prospect of spending time at the USO. She would have internet and phone access, and had insisted she needed to reach both Tenley and Russell. He’d desperately wanted to know if Russell was a boyfriend, but pride prevented him from asking. They had agreed that he would return to collect her after dinner. The dining facility was located directly next door to the USO, so she didn’t need an escort. He felt a little disgruntled by the fact that she seemed happy at the prospect of eating a meal alone. She hadn’t talked about staying in the large tent by herself, but the more Chase thought about it, the less he liked the idea, especially with a storm moving into the region. He’d already made up his mind to hunker down outside the entrance for the night, just in case she needed him. He’d slept in worse places, in worse conditions, so the idea didn’t faze him.

By the time Chase jogged over to the USO to get Kate, the temperatures had dropped significantly, and the wind had kicked up a notch. Dust whipped across the ground in swirling clouds, and he could hear the patter of tiny stones as they clattered against the metal buildings. In the distance, flashes of lightning briefly illuminated the mountain peaks.

The storm was rolling in quickly, and it promised to be a good one. Kate was waiting for him by the entrance, her enormous shoulder bag over one arm. Even in the dim light he could see the apprehension on her face as she looked toward the northwest.

“C’mon,” he said briskly, “let’s get you back to your tent before the rain starts.” He indicated the road, which was packed dirt and rocks. “You don’t want to be out here once the ground gets wet.”

“Is there any chance I can take a shower before I turn in?” she asked hopefully.

Chance had already planned on hitting the showers after he dropped her off at her tent, so it would be no big deal to walk her over to the bathrooms. “Absolutely,” he assured her. “I’ll leave you at your tent while I go and grab my own gear, and then come back for you.”

The wind kept her from responding, so she just nodded and then put her head down. She kept pace with him as they walked quickly across the base. On the left, he pointed out the nearest bunker, illuminated by an orange safety light. The exterior of the concrete bunker was packed high with sandbags.

“There’s another shelter just beyond the bathrooms,” he said, drawing her close and raising his voice to be heard over the wind. “If the sirens go off while you’re in the shower, use that bunker instead.”

He left her at her own tent and then quickly jogged to the Marine battalion quarters, and stuffed a clean uniform and his shower gear into his backpack. Other soldiers were running to reach their destinations before the storm hit, and Chase looked to the sky, trying to estimate how much time they might have before the heavens opened up. They didn’t often get storm fronts of this magnitude in southern Afghanistan, and when they did, they usually took the form of sandstorms. But he already knew that this particular storm was packing a lot of moisture, and the troops were battening down the hatches in preparation for a significant amount of rain. He knew that Kate would be okay; her tent had been erected on top of a wooden platform, so she would be safe from flooding. But the tents were prone to seepage, and there was a good chance that she would have several leaks during the course of the night.

It was almost completely dark by the time he returned to Kate’s tent and found her waiting for him just inside the entrance. They jogged the short distance to the bathroom, not wanting to get caught in the threatening downpour.

Chase stepped into the entry with Kate. “I’ll be right next door,” he assured her. “Wait for me here. I’ll give you a shout when I’m ready to walk you back to the tent, got it?”

Kate nodded. “I’ll be quick.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll be back in ten minutes to get you.”

Ducking into the men’s showers, on the opposite side of the same building, Chase quickly stripped down and stepped under the steaming water, grateful to scrub away the dust and grit from the base. Since it was still the dinner hour, he had the entire facility to himself. He could easily have stayed under the hot water for hours, but sensitive to the fact that Kate would be waiting for him, he rinsed the soap from his skin and turned off the tap. Then, wrapping a towel around his hips, he stood over a sink and used a razor to scrape the beard growth from his jaw and neck. Scrutinizing his reflection, he decided he still looked rough around the edges, but at least he no longer resembled a mercenary.

He was wiping the last traces of shaving cream from his jaw when the lights in the bathroom flickered. Outside, he could hear the wind whistling across the base. The doors rattled on their hinges. Chase turned swiftly toward the stall where he had left his gear and a clean change of clothing, but he was too late. The lights flickered once more, ominously, before they went out, plunging the bathroom into utter darkness.

Abandoning his clothing, Chase made a beeline for the door, bolting through it and into the windy darkness outside. He knew it would only be a minute or two before the lights came back on or the backup generators kicked in, but he didn’t want Kate to panic.

He burst through the doors of the women’s bathrooms, calling her name. “Kate? Are you okay? It’s me, Chase.”

He heard her footsteps stumble toward him, and then she was in his arms, her hands groping blindly at him.

“Chase?” He could hear the surprise in her voice. “What are you doing in here? Isn’t there some rule against—Are you naked?

Her fingers encountered his bare torso, and before he could stop them, they skittered over his shoulders and arms, drawing heat to the surface of his skin wherever they touched. Grasping her wrists, he dragged her hands away.

“No,” he snapped in irritation at himself and his body’s reaction to her. “I am not naked. I was just getting dressed when the power went out. I didn’t want you to be frightened, so I ran over. The backup generators should—” There was an audible click, then a buzz of electricity, and the emergency lights over the doors snapped on, illuminating the bathroom in an eerie red glow. “Kick in any second,” Chase finished, his voice trailing off as he got a good look at Kate.

As lights went, they weren’t much, but they were more than sufficient for him to see that she wore nothing but a pair of underpants and a bra, and his mouth went dry at the sight. He’d been right about one thing—she had curves in all the right places. Her hips flared out from a narrow waist, and her legs were slim and supple.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed, her eyes widening as they traveled over him. For just an instant, Chase saw female appreciation and raw hunger in her expression, and in the next instant she spun away to snatch a towel from the nearby sink and hold it against her. “I’m fine, really,” she said over her shoulder. “You can go now and—and put some clothes on.”

Chase stood there for a moment, dumbstruck. Despite the fact that he’d already seen her partially nude and knew she had a gorgeous shape, he was blown away by the entire package. Even her back was lovely, and he took a second to admire the elegant line of her spine and the deep curves of her waist. Her rear was luscious and rounded, and he had an instant image of himself cupping her cheeks in his hands and driving himself into her warmth as she straddled his hips. Then he gave himself a mental shake. He was losing it, big-time.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he muttered, and returned to the men’s side of the shower facilities, his head still reeling.

For as long as Chase could recall, women had been attracted to him and his identical twin, Chance. But where Chance had welcomed every feminine advance and had been considered something of a player, Chase had been completely focused on his future as a Special Ops commando. He’d known from an early age that he wanted to join the elite unit, and nothing—not even a pretty face and a curvy body—could deter him from that path. He’d had girlfriends, but none of them had been more important to him than achieving his goal.

In fact, looking back, he realized he’d deliberately kept women at a distance because he’d known his dedication to the Army would prevent him from committing himself fully to a relationship. But right now, with his body aroused from just seeing her, he thought he would gladly trade his entire freaking career for just one night with Kate Fitzgerald.

Yeah, he’d definitely lost it.

Pulling on a clean uniform, Chase stuffed his dirty gear into his backpack, telling himself that he’d have no problem facing Kate. He’d seen plenty of women with less clothing on than the scraps of fabric she’d been wearing, and he’d never been so overcome by lust that he’d lost his self-control. He’d just keep it professional and act like he hadn’t seen anything. Like he hadn’t cupped and caressed her breasts less than twenty-four hours earlier. Like he had no idea how her nipple felt in his mouth, against his tongue, or how her small sounds of pleasure drove him crazy.

Yeah, right.

Bracing himself, he stepped outside. Rain was just beginning to fall in big, fat drops, and the sky flashed with lightning mere seconds before a roll of thunder caused the ground to tremble beneath his boots. He pulled a small flashlight out of his backpack and flicked it on, not because he couldn’t find his way back, or because he couldn’t see in the dark, but because he knew it would give Kate a sense of security. Standing just outside the door to the women’s showers, he called her name.

She came out immediately, although Chase didn’t miss how she avoided his eyes, concentrating instead on adjusting her bag over her shoulder. But when the first raindrops hit her face, she blinked in surprise and lifted a hand to catch several.

“Wow, this storm is moving in fast,” she observed.

“They usually do out here,” Chase replied. “We’d better hurry, or we’ll find ourselves soaked to the skin before we reach your tent. Here, let me take your bag.”

Ignoring her protests, he took the shoulder bag from her and slid a hand beneath her elbow. He sensed her surprise, but she didn’t try to pull away. The rain was coming down in sheeting torrents now, mixing with the dusty road and creating mud that had the consistency of peanut butter. It sucked at his feet with every step, and if it weren’t for the fact that his boots were laced up over his ankles, they might have been pulled free.

Kate wasn’t so lucky.

She gave a small cry of distress and stumbled heavily, pulling Chase to an abrupt halt. He steadied her as she leaned her weight against him and balanced herself on one foot. Swiping the water from his face, Chase looked down to see one of her slip-on shoes buried in the muck. He pulled it free, and she grimaced as she pushed her foot back into it.

“So much for that shower,” she shouted.

Chase peered up at the sky. “Yeah, well, you don’t know the meaning of the word shower until you’ve experienced a desert storm. This is just going to get worse. C’mon.”

But no sooner did they take another step, than Kate’s other shoe became stuck in the mud. Chase flicked his light over the ground, seeing the water pooling quickly around Kate’s foot. She could put the shoe back on, but he already knew they’d be retrieving her footwear from the mud with every step she took. The way he saw it, they had two choices: she could go barefoot all the way back to her sleeping quarters, or he could carry her. He told himself firmly that the thought of holding her in his arms for the five-minute trek did not send his pulse into overdrive.

“Okay, listen,” he said, using his best authoritative voice, “I’m going to carry you back to the tent, otherwise we’ll be playing hop-along the whole way.”

She stared up at him, and in the beam from the flashlight, her lashes were spiky with moisture, and rivulets of water streamed down her face and slicked her hair to her scalp. She blinked furiously.

“You can’t carry me,” she protested. “First of all, I weigh a ton, and second of all, it’s not necessary. I’ll just go barefoot.”

“No, that’s not an option,” he said briskly. “The road is loaded with stones and potholes. If you don’t end up with a serious laceration, you could twist an ankle. Just let me carry you. You don’t weigh a ton, trust me. I carry seventy pounds of equipment on my back whenever I’m in the field.”

She gave him a tolerant look. “I weigh a little more than seventy pounds.”

Chase handed her the shoulder bag. “Here, carry this. Now put your arms around my neck.”

A brilliant flash of lightning, followed by a low boom of thunder, caused her to clutch his arm, and Chase took advantage of her startled reaction, bending down to slide an arm behind her knees. He lifted her effortlessly, and the thought flashed through his head that she really didn’t weigh much more than seventy pounds. She turned her face into his neck as he strode along the muddy road, and even with the rain lashing against his face, he could smell her soap and shampoo. Her breath came in warm pants against his skin, and he arrived at her tent much too quickly. He set her down just inside the entrance.

“I lost my shoe back there,” she said.

Chase looked down at her bare, mud-covered foot. “I’ll go back and get it,” he offered. “Here, take my flashlight. The power’s out, so the lights won’t work in here. There’s bottled water and some towels at the back of the tent that you can use to clean up.”

“What about you?” she asked. “How will you see anything?”

He pulled out a second, smaller flashlight from a pocket on his camo pants. “Always ready,” he said with a quick grin. “I’ll be right back.”

She nodded, swiping moisture from her face. “Okay, thanks.”

Chase sprinted back the way they had come until he found her shoe. It was a flat-soled, cloth shoe that might have been blue or purple, but right now it was coated in a thick, yellowish mud. Wiping the worst of it off, he jogged back to the tent. Kate had put the flashlight on the small side table next to her bunk bed and stood toweling her hair dry. In the instant before she knew he was there, he saw the weariness on her face and in the droop of her slender shoulders. Her clothes were soaking wet and plastered to her skin. He cleared his throat and she turned toward him, smoothing her features into an expression of pleasant expectation. She grimaced when she saw the sopping shoe in his hand.

“Maybe I should just consider these shoes as collateral damage and throw them away.”

“Leave them outside the tent and let the rain wash them clean,” Chase suggested. “Once the sun comes out, they’ll be dry within minutes.”

Another bolt of lightning flashed brilliance behind him, followed by a sharp crack of thunder. Kate didn’t jump, but Chase saw how she clutched the towel convulsively in her hands. He intended to spend the night just outside her tent, in case she needed him, but if Kate found out she would protest.

“Okay, listen, I’m going back to my tent to change into dry clothes and grab my rain gear, and then I’ll come check on you,” he said. “If you want, we can play cards or something. I can hang out here until the worst of the storm passes.”

She looked relieved. “I’d like that, thanks.”

He turned to go, but her voice halted him.

“You’re coming right back?” He could hear the anxiety in her voice.

“I’ll be gone for less than ten minutes,” he assured her. “Why don’t you get out of those wet clothes and get warm?”

He knew she felt apprehensive about being alone in the big tent, and now he wished that he had tried to find her other accommodations until her client arrived. He told himself it was only for one night. Tomorrow, they would view the first concert venue in the morning and then drive to Kandahar, where the USO had arranged for the third and final concert. By the time they returned to Bagram two days later, Tenley Miles would have arrived. The performers would spend five days giving concerts and meeting the troops, then they would fly back to the States and Kate Fitzgerald would go with them. Two days ago he’d been resentful at the prospect of babysitting the publicist. Now he realized that he didn’t want her to leave.

KATE WAITED UNTIL Chase left, then secured the entrance to the tent as best she could. The wind still whistled outside and the rain drummed against the roof. Chase had made the interior seem almost cozy with his height and broad shoulders, but now it seemed big and empty. The flashlight illuminated the area directly around her bunk, but the rest of the large tent was cast in dark shadows that undulated with the wind and rain and made her think that someone was on the other side of the canvas, trying to get in.

Shivering, she opening her duffel bag and pulled out a pair of flannel lounge pants and a loose top. The walls of the tent sucked noisily in and out with the force of the wind, and Kate wished Chase would hurry. Fishing in her pocket, she pulled out the beeper that he had given to her earlier, and closed her fingers over it. Just holding it made her feel marginally better. She wanted to push it, but then he would know what a complete fraud she was, and that everything about this trip totally freaked her out. Besides, he’d promised that he would be right back; what would she say to him when he arrived? That she was afraid of the dark? That she was afraid of being alone? That he made her feel safe?

Yeah, right. If only that was all he made her feel. She recalled how he had looked in the bathroom, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. His body was layered with lean muscle and sculpted to masculine perfection. He was hot enough to bake cookies on. She could still picture the thrust of his broad shoulders and the bulging biceps in his powerful arms. She remembered again the feel of his mouth on her breast, and how perfectly he’d fitted in the cradle of her hips.

Just the memory of his body caused something to fist low in her stomach. Most of the time, he looked at her as if she was an annoyance, or just another mission that he needed to complete successfully. He’d said the incident in his bedroom had been a mistake, but for those few moments in the bathroom, she had seen something else in his eyes. Something hot and needy. Something that had caused a rush of heat beneath her skin.

Shivering, she realized the temperature had dropped dramatically from what it had been earlier in the day. Chase hadn’t exaggerated when he’d said the nights could get cold. Quickly, she stripped out of her wet clothing and changed into the flannel lounge pants and top, and pulled on a pair of socks. Still, she couldn’t get warm. She shook out the sleeping bag that had been left at the foot of the cot and unzipped it, dragging it around her shoulders like a shawl. But even cocooned in its warmth, she couldn’t stop shivering.

The flap of the tent billowed and then Chase was there, bringing the wind and rain with him, until he secured the entrance. Shrugging out of his rain poncho, he hung it from a support beam and turned toward Kate just as a crack of thunder sounded overhead.

Chase grinned. “I can’t remember the last time I saw a storm like this over here. Are you okay?”

Kate nodded, relieved to have him there. “Are you sure it’s safe to be in a tent? What if it gets struck by lightning?”

Chase sat down on the bed directly beside hers, leaning forward to link his hands between his knees. For the first time, Kate noticed that he had shaved his beard, revealing the strong, square line of his jaw. She wanted to stroke her fingers over the smooth skin.

“The tents are grounded,” he said, “so you have nothing to worry about. More than half of the troops on this base live in tents, and we haven’t lost one in a storm yet.”

The rain thundered on the canvas roof, and Kate pulled the sleeping bag a little closer around her shoulders. “I guess I’ll just have to trust you.”

An odd expression crossed his face, and Kate was surprised when he stood up. “Right. Which is why I should leave. Try to get some sleep.”

“What?” Pushing the sleeping bag off, Kate stood up and followed him across the tent. “Why are you leaving? I thought you were going to stay, at least until the storm passes.”

Chase paused in the act of retrieving his rain gear and gave her a disbelieving look. “Kate, if I stay here with you, do you really believe we’ll play cards?”

Kate’s breath caught at the expression on his face, and her heart leaped in her chest. “Look, if it’s about last night—”

“Yes, damn it, it is about last night.” His voice was a low growl. He leaned forward until his face was just inches from hers and raked her with a heated look. “I’m trying very hard to keep this professional, but every time I look at you, I see you lying across my bed, making little gasping sounds as I touch you. Christ …” He spun halfway around and scrubbed a hand over his hair before turning back to her. “So just—give me a break, okay? Understand that this has nothing with my not wanting to stay with you. I can’t stay with you. Not unless you want to be flat on your back in that bunk with me inside you.”

His words caused Kate’s heart to stop beating and then explode into overdrive. Part of her realized she should be at least a little bit frightened by this man, but the images he conjured up filled her with a buzz of awareness and a sense of her own feminine power. She knew that her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open, but nobody had ever spoken to her so bluntly, or admitted that he wanted her enough that he couldn’t trust himself to be with her.

Misreading her expression, Chase gave a rueful laugh.

“Pretty pathetic, huh? I guess I really have been deployed for too long.”

Kate didn’t know how to respond to that. Was it pathetic that he should find her attractive? And did he only find her attractive because he’d been deployed for so many months? How would he react if she told him that she hadn’t been with a guy in almost two years? Now that was pathetic.

Outside, another flash of lightning illuminated the sky, and wind gusted through the entrance, bringing a spray of cold rain with it. Chase grabbed his poncho from the hook and dropped it over his head.

“You have my beeper,” he said curtly. “Use it if you need me.”

Kate stared at him in dismay, unable to comprehend that he was really going to leave her alone in the enormous tent while a storm raged outside. It was wrong to expect him to stay with her. She was a grown woman, after all, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted him with her. “I don’t need your damned beeper, Chase. I want you.

Chase held up a finger and gave her a warning look. “Don’t. I’m barely holding it together here, Kate.”

Before she could argue further, he pushed aside the flap and vanished into the night. Kate stood staring after him in disbelief for a full minute, expecting that he would reappear. But when an ear-splitting crack of thunder reverberated through the tent, Kate dashed back to her bunk and dragged the sleeping bag over her.

With her back pressed against the headboard, she sat with the flashlight in her hands, directing the beam at the entrance, certain that someone—or something—was going to get her before the night was over. The shadows seemed to grow and move in the corners, and the combined cacophony of rocks and sand being flung against the sides of the tent, as well as the hard rain drumming against the roof, guaranteed that she wouldn’t get any sleep that night.

She realized she still clutched Chase’s beeper in her hand, but nothing would induce her to press that button now. Not when he’d made it clear that he couldn’t be alone with her. He obviously was a man of honor, and there was no way she would ask him to compromise his principles for her.

An ear-splitting crack of thunder directly overhead, followed by what sounded like an explosion very close by, made her jump with alarm. Drawing a deep breath, she pressed the beeper.

A Wicked Persuasion

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