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“So I guess we’re even, huh?”

Nikki leaned forward to set down her cup on the cocktail table. Her robe gaped open as she did so, and Adam’s gaze fell straight to her spectacular breasts.

Noticing where his attention was, she put her hands up to tug the edges of the robe together.

“Please don’t,” he asked softly.

She swallowed, hesitating. Then, blushing furiously again, she tugged the lapels of the robe open. And then, to his stunned disbelief, she let her breasts spill out to greet him.

The air went out of him so fast that his lungs almost collapsed.

D cups. Perfect, high and round and cherry-capped. Fair? No, this was incredibly unfair. Because Adam wanted to touch them in the worst way.

He was crazy; he shouldn’t have brought her here.

Borrowing a Bachelor

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