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Indoor or Outdoor Cat?


First, decide whether you prefer to own a cat that stays indoors all the time or one that goes outside, if you want an outside cat, it makes sense to adopt one that is already accustomed to living outdoors. Some people insist on letting their cats roam freely because they believe that depriving cats of their outdoor freedom is cruel. But most experts agree that cats kept indoors live longer, healthier lives.

Cats that live their lives totally indoors are less likely to be exposed to diseases, plagued by parasites, hit by cars, attacked by dogs, killed by coyotes, bitten by wild animals, caught in wild animal traps, poisoned by pesticides, and harmed by cruel people.

You can also expect to have fewer veterinary bills related to injuries from cat fights and similar mishaps, if you keep your cat indoors. In addition, you will have peace of mind, knowing that your well-cared-for indoor cat has a smaller chance of contracting illness or parasites, such as Lyme disease-carrying ticks, that could affect you or your family.

Keeping your cat indoors will also help ensure that he has the best opportunity to live out his full life expectancy. As long as you provide love and attention, your cat will be quite happy and well adjusted living indoors. If you feel your cat must experience the outdoors, supervise outings in the yard, build an outdoor exercise run, or install a cat flap that provides safe access to a screened-in porch.

The Cat Handbook

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