Читать книгу The Husband Hunt - Karen Kirst - Страница 3


“What do you think of Sophie’s new look, Nathan?”

Cheeks burning, Sophie couldn’t bring herself to look at him, watching instead his large hands near the chessboard, how they clenched and the knuckles went white.

“I would say she hasn’t changed all that much.”

“How can you say that?” said Nathan’s mother, who’d just entered the room and was setting a plate of cookies on the coffee table.

Sophie inwardly cringed. Of course. She’d known, hadn’t she, that a new dress wouldn’t alter the way Nathan viewed her.

“She hasn’t changed,” Nathan drawled softly in the gathering silence, “because she’s always been beautiful, inside and out.”

Startled, Sophie’s gaze shot to his face. Surely she hadn’t heard right? And yet there, in the softening of his mouth, the flicker of a smile, she witnessed appreciation and approval. A giddy sort of joy infused her insides, warming her from the inside out.

Indicating the board, where he had no legal moves left, he said, “Stalemate.”

She stared. Very rarely did they call a draw. The game’s outcome was clear, however. Neither one of them was a winner.

The Husband Hunt

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