Читать книгу Wellspring - Karen Moore - Страница 12


January 6

Hitting the Jackpot

Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25

Have you ever considered what you'd do if you won the lottery or somehow managed to win or receive an unexpected, but fabulous fortune? After you got over the excitement of the event and paid off your house and all your loans, you might start thinking about giving to others. You might start to imagine how good it would feel to share your good fortune.

The good news is this. You've already won the lottery. You already have a vast fortune to share with others. It may not be showing up in your bank account, but it's there. It's the spirit of generosity that came into your life the day you started following Jesus. It's the day you said, whatever I have, I'm willing to share.

You have been blessed with an abundance of treasure, and the more you give that treasure away, the more blessed you are. C. S. Lewis reminded us that "nothing is really ours until we share it."

It's a new day and the perfect moment to look at what you have to give away. It may just be a moment of your time, a smile, a kind word to the taxi driver, but whatever it is, share it. Love is never witnessed by a clenched fist, but only through an open and generous hand.

In the Flow

Father, you have blessed me beyond measure. You have filled my home and heart with joy. Cause me to never forget what you've done for me and to always remember to give in any way I can to others. Amen.


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