Читать книгу Runaway Colton - Karen Whiddon - Страница 12


Chapter 5

Side by side, they headed up the sidewalk. Before they even reached the porch, the front door opened and a tiny, white-haired woman greeted them. Beaming, she hugged Cord tightly before turning to study Piper.

“This is the first time you’ve brought a lady friend to see me,” she said, winking at Piper as she held out her hand. “Howdy do. I’m Lorraine Berens.”

As Piper shook her hand, mildly amazed at her strong grip, she realized she’d need to give a name. “I’m Penelope,” she said, using her actual given name. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Releasing Piper, Lorraine turned back to Cord. “Come on inside. I just finished making a big apple pie. The apple orchard had a huge crop this year.”

“Apple orchard?” Piper could scarcely contain her excitement. “When I was a kid, I used to love going apple-picking!”

“Well, honey, after we visit a spell, you can go out back and pick until your heart’s content. There were so many on the trees, I couldn’t get them all. A lot of ’em probably spoiled, but I bet there’s still enough for you to gather a bushel to take home.”

Runaway Colton

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